Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

The problem is that the backdoor can ban a ton of users without the dev knowing. Even after you find it and remove it, the bans will still be stored and you won’t know who got banned.

Right, we probably need ban history or a mass unban feature.

That part is correct.

Colon notation when calling a function passes the class/module itself as a parameter.
Therefore, doing:


is the same as doing

Players.BanAsync(Players, config)

I must pass the players parameter for the code to work. I did it this way to save creating an anonymous function.

If it helps anyone with this issue I am experiencing:

I get a studio message telling me that the request will be skipped in play testing. It just kicks me in normal Roblox servers. I tried reinstalling Roblox and the issue still persists.


The kick message I get when using BanAsync in Roblox

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This is great but I have a good question to bring up

Let’s say I permanently ban somebody for exploiting, but I allow them to play on an alt account to give them another chance to play by the rules. Now let’s say on their alt account they again get banned for exploiting, this time I want to permanently ban them including any future alt accounts because I all ready gave them a second chance. So the question is…

Is there a way to check if a players alt accounts were all ready banned previously, so that their future bans can be more severe?

API not ai
its not ai

yes read the API on the documentation: players:getbanhistory or smth

game.Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(...) -- insert userId
But no exact way to pull the current full ban list, as far as I can see?

I believe that method only shows the ban history of the given player, I don’t think it would also show any alt accounts in their ban history

Precisely what I was pointing out.
This BanAPI is underwhelming at most.

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Yes I think there should be a way to get the full ban list, not just one player

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I feel like they’ve almost made it need a second datastore for actual production use.
The alt detection is also pretty underwhelming then what RDC promised.

I agree, is there any way to even unban a player that has been infinitely banned?

uhm they talk about that in guidelines…

Issue appears to be fixed :slight_smile:

Surprisingly, yes.

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Not sure what RDC promised, from what I remember they just said there was going to be some sort of detection. No examples

Thank god! This is long awaited, and the fact they’ve shipped this WITH OpenCloud is just the icing on the cake!


I wasnt expecting there to be a method to unban so pleasant surprise, i guess.

Why wouldn’t that be a thing? The first thing developers are gonna do is test it by banning themselves and then what? Realize their banned forever and can no longer play / develop their own games lol


“as we expand this API we’ll be able to integrate our own alt account detection into this API so if you ban someone once they come back or better put they’re not coming back.”

Seems like a promise to me.
A promise that’s poorly held, because I can ban my main and come back and play the game as if I was never banned on an alt.