Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

That’s technically the developers fault as i said before, not really Roblox’s fault.
The developer was the one who made that awful anticheat in this case.

Flaws do exist yeah, it has also existed before. developers usually keep track of certain information that’d trigger a ban. not all devs do this but its definately possible to do this and then use that info to determine whether a ban was legitimate or an engine fault

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My point is: If they are falsely banned, on all platforms, accounts, etc., why would they give out money on that game? Why would they give money to those developers? Why would they give Roblox money?

You have a valid point but most people when they get banned and go on alts they don’t really give money to the game anyway.

You’re awesome :slightly_smiling_face: we really appreciate it - big thanks for your effort in this regard on behalf of everyone chatting here.

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BanAsync() can only be called on the server

I keep getting this error, any solutions? (It is a server script)

Yeah, but they can’t go on alts anyways…

Datastores exist… me, as a developer, can just put the player ID in the datastore and kick him everytime he joins my game. The user most likely won’t buy anything in my game anymore, Roblox wont profit, I wont profit.
Roblox is just giving the developers an easier way to the thing developers have done all these years.

are you trying to use it locally? that sounds like a huge security risk if so.

Im doing it on the server

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Pretty sure appeals do exist if false bans happen due to faulty anticheats like on Discord or maybe even Guilded.

both require the user in question to be >13 which won’t be the case for a large amount of users given roblox’s current playerbase

This is great news. I hope bans can also be implemented in groups as originally promised.

Upon reading about the API, I have a few concerns:

We also expect developers to post their experience rules somewhere accessible to all users, and provide a way for users to appeal.

What would Roblox recommend as an appeal process? A lot of games use Discord. However, Discord is only allowed for users 13 years old and older, which Roblox knows.

Additionally, rule lists are typically numbered to allow players to easily refer to specific rules. This next part concerns me:

If the message is text filtered, the request will fail and the ban will not be applied.

This part seems flawed. I’d like to hear more details about this. Developer-made bans that exist currently allow the message, but filters it so it sends while being tagged. I believe this is a much better option than to refuse to initiate the ban at all. This is especially concerning with flaws in the filter, which can include the flagging of rule numbers.

Lastly, how would a player be unbanned?

It would sometimes work better if the game is 13+ in age rating, or just don’t have a really faulty anticheat.

could you show the script? It sounds like it should work then

local config: BanConfigType = {
		UserIds = {2758548757},
		Duration = 500,
		DisplayReason = 'test',
		PrivateReason = 'test2',
		ExcludeAltAccounts = false,
		ApplyToUniverse = true

	local success, err = pcall(function()
		return Players:BanAsync(config)

No such thing as a perfect anticheat, there will be flaws in any one of them. if this were the case then I would assume (hopefully) that roblox would be able to and apply such a thing already

regardless of how flawed it is, there is the outlined issue of players not being able to appeal due to these factors regardless of the efficency of the anticheat. simply ignoring an audience is a bad call especially if that audience is the target audience for your game

Most likely that account is a throwaway exploiting account. There are no traces to the main account, and the user could still be spending hundreds of robux on the game on their game.

No developer is sane enough to ban on a anticheat that could cause faulty detections, a kick is really enough to do the job.

where is the script located out of curiousity? I don’t initially see anything wrong here

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