Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Are there any plans to allow us to add custom data?

For example, I may want to save a reason, note and associated evidence (which I can do with the existing DataStore method) but I cannot do that currently.

yes!!! they have that :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: omg “privateReason” Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Yeah because most ips change :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: we should be able to get a hashed serial of the motherboard :sob:


uhh one quick thing! alt acc detection does not work very well I used the acc switcher and same email and it could not detect my alt im wondering if this will be fixed in the future

I am not against an anti-alt completely. Just anti-alt combined with a permanent ban. Sorry If I didn’t make that obvious, I did provide what I wished to be a working solution, it’s just got such a simple loophole that I know my quickly-thought-up solution wouldn’t do jack in practice.

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Serial would be nice, as someone above me pointed out it won’t be the IP as vpns exist

Ohhh alright, makes more sense then. Personally with the games I work on I’m going to not use the anti-alt yet and I’ll implement it when it’s more tested.

This is terrible. Alt accounts are a staple of Roblox and removing them is a terrible mistake. Even if someone gets banned, they absolutely deserve to come back again in an alt account. I absolutely do not and will never support this.

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Developers have the option to exclude alt accounts. Just don’t get banned :man_shrugging:

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As if we did not expect anything like this LOL

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Why would this be terrible? i’m pretty sure people wanted alt detections since long ago.
Also it’s not as if there is actual alt banning on your Roblox account itself, it’s just for 1 singular game.
Most developers are in complete support of this.


For point 3, I think someone pointed out that certain IDs are excluded from this, one of which being “1” (Roblox) but I haven’t tested this myself, just seen it mentioned. if true, this likely applies to moderator accounts too but i’m not sure.

The anticheats would be the developers fault because they made the choice to do that, so in that case that’s not Roblox’s fault.

I am asking for the ability to log custom data properly, like an extra table, like this:

  UserIds = { 1 },
  ApplyToUniverse = true,
  Duration = -1,
  DisplayReason = "Exploiting",
  PrivateReason = "Flying & noclipping = Unappealable",
  ExcludeAltAccounts = false,
  CustomData = {
    Evidence = {
      "link 1",
      "link 2",

I may want to use the PrivateReason for notes on the ban, which then gives me no where to link evidence.

A custom data field would be quite handy.

For now or assuming they don’t add this, you could JSONEncode a table of “CustomData” and set it as the PrivateReason, and then JSONDecode it whenever you need to refer to that data, assuming it stays within the 1000 character limit which in most cases should be fine

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Roblox is shooting itself in their foot, because a banned user will most likely not buy game-passes or developer products if they are banned from that game, limiting their profits from that game, especially if that game has a broken anticheat (YES, ROLVE, I AM LOOKING RIGHT INTO YOUR SOUL.)

Was the concern about developers being able to ban theirself ever brought up, I saw a post regarding this in Scripting Support and the solution was that they had to get their friend to unban them since running the command in studio doesn’t work.

I’d imagine updating the game with the command on a delay would also unban the person in question but this sounds hacky…

Any chance on adding the option to fetch all user restrictions for the universe (& place) in-engine, for the script and experience my scripts are running in, given we’re able to do so through Open Cloud?

I’m currently using a workaround in my script with a proxy to open cloud to fetch all user restrictions in my experience, but I can’t imagine this would be the intended way to tackle a feature as simple as that.

I’d rather not have feature disparity between engine and Open Cloud and prefer to not convolute my workflow by having to switch between the 2.

Why would they buy gamepasses / developer products if they are banned from the game anyway? it would not be so smart of the user to do that.

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I doubt an exploiter would go out of their way to buy gamepasses if they’re exploiting in the game already to be honest. seems pretty counter intuitive to me

as for non-exploiters, I don’t see how this changes anything, since you could ban people anyway. the only difference is that alts are also banned. I wouldn’t be purchasing gamepasses on a game i’ve been banned on especially considering that people regulate ban evading via alts anyway.

if anything this makes managing ban evading easier to be honest, but I agree that this could have some pretty large drawbacks if it functions in an unintended manner

Stuff like premium payouts etc is also something that could be called out but again, who’s buying premium on every alternate account they own