Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Can someone explain how this works? Does it go off a hardware ID or just the IP. Reason I am asking is depending on how the ban happens, will determine the effective rate. Those who use alts usually are using VPNs or similar tools to mask themselves.


Yes, it’s good, once it’s fully released, it will stop a lot of alt-accounts. W Roblox!

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It’s based off of both I think.

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I’m sorry, I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I probably could’ve worded it better.
I’m not talking about whether or not the new methods are supported by intellisense, I’m talking about whether or not calling the methods applies to actual game servers, which it doesn’t.

You can’t access these methods from the command bar as it’s restricted to server-side use only and the command bar is technically a separate environment from the server. It throws an error:

Even if you throw that same bit of code into a server script and run the game, the output will display this:

So basically developers are forced to either test it out with actual game servers or use the OpenCloud API, which shouldn’t be the case. There’s no reason to restrict this to actual game instances and OpenCloud. Being able to use it within Studio is monumentally useful for devs that don’t want to create third-party applications and set up API keys or open game instances and paste code into the developer console, who instead want to be able to do it in a Studio session so they can quickly and easily perform actions all while staying in the same application.


I don’t know what to think of this update, on the one side good for the developer, on the other side scary to normal players. What if i just so happen to break a rule? Do i get banned along with my other accounts? Maybe im sharing accounts with other people and they get banned too?

I don’t like the direction roblox is going in security systems, this just seems to get more invasive as time goes.


This is for games, not the overall website. Roblox has had the ability to IP ban players for over a decade.

This is also a good update for players who want to keep problematic users from joining their games on alt accounts.


why are the messages from bans still filtered, its so dumb :sob:


me trying to ban someone but the request fails cause of the reason


How exactly do you see this? The ban history API?

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I think there are plenty of other ways to distinguish that it’s not a platform wide ban other than “the creator”. It promotes a negative attitude towards the actual developer behind the game.

For many large games, there are automated systems or moderation personnel that are handling these bans. Saying it is the creator puts a target on the developer’s back, and unfortunately from years of experience, reporting does not solve most problems. It never used to say that with the kick method of banning that we’ve been using for the past decade. But, this is out of your hands, so I hope this feedback reaches the right people.

And I’m glad to hear that you guys plan on improving alt detection. From what I know & hear, It’s practically a non-existent feature right now.


FFlags aren’t disappearing they will still utilize them, the ability to modify them freely is what they will be restricting.

It’s unfortunate that we can’t identify the main account(s) linked to a suspected alt account. Knowing this information would be incredibly useful during appeal processes to understand why the user’s main account was banned. Without this, a user could falsely claim their alt account ban was a mistake, supply incorrect main account details, or even deny having a main account. There would be no way to validate this information in the current state of the API.

Additionally, as improbable as this sounds, if the API mistakenly flags and bans a legitimate user as an alt, there would be no way of knowing if this was a false ban or not. I hope Roblox let’s us see the suspected alt’s main account(s) in the future as this information would be invaluable during appeal processes.


There is the way to make anti liars. And why command “give me all” is for rank Mod and “btools” for rank Admin to use btools in rank Mod? And what if be “Warns User” command before user get banned?

What are you saying?
English please.

I’ve seen some another problem like, for example, Imagine there’s a game and they use the alt detection and I’m normally playing on my main account and I’m not banned. when I switch to my alt account to play that game, it bans me even tho my main account isn’t banned, why?

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I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on enabling these APIs in Studio. I would recommend making a feature request post, and our product team can be better informed when deciding what we should work on in our next iteration of this feature. I do want to assure you we had these discussions when making the API in its current form, and we were biased towards protecting the creator from taking unwanted actions in a test environment.

It was always enabled. If you have any difficulties with using it, please file a bug report and I will work with you to figure out what’s going wrong.

I would recommend filing a feature request for this as well. I can definitely see how this would be an improvement over the current API.


The error modal that the user sees already displays the time information related to the duration of the ban. It is currently the time remaining on the ban, but soon it will be the localized date time of the ban expiration. I would recommend against putting in date time information into the DisplayReason.

Thanks for the feedback. We have already decided to change this behavior and are working on the code changes needed to make this happen.

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Ooh, now that’s what i’d call cool! Making a beta ban system? That’s difficult! - Riley

The good part is that it detects most alts, but there are problems like the absolute bad text filtering (I haven’t tested it out so this might be changed)