Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

it’s API, not AI.
2 different things.


Very unlikely that anyone officially answers this as it would be revealing how to bypass their alt checks.


Will this API eventually include Groups as well as games? Troublemakers often rejoin our community on an alt after being exiled. Conversely, sometimes we blacklist an entire Group of known bad actors and they show up in our games on unaffiliated accounts.

For people just want to test :
just put that in a serverscript

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    local Banconfig:BanConfigType = {
        UserIds = {plr.UserId},
        Duration = 50, -- in second
        DisplayReason = "You are banned",
        PrivateReason = "Exploiting + insult",
        ExcludeAltAccounts = false,
        ApplyToUniverse = true,

What if you ban the main user, then you ban an alt that you suspect, and once the main user is unbanned, is the alt also unbanned, if the owner bans both accounts manually?

How does this affect family households using one router? If one device gets banned or detected as an alternate account, would it affect other devices, causing issues for innocent users?

Permanent Experience Bans is always something I put in question, as I compare it to Blocking.

If you block someone, does one ever unblock them? Time and etc.

I prefer temporary bans in the API more. But I know there’s small little community games where permanent bans apply better, especially for Alt accounts, as that has been an issue.

But if a perma ban would happen on a cool or party-like game where everyone is welcome, then it doesn’t make sense. And I hope that this Ban API, doesn’t promote the wrong idea.


I am actually surprised and I like the fact that there’s sooo many (ok there’s one cool one, rest probably had to be there) Configuration Options for Banning a user.

I like the fact that we can choose whether we want to include Alts or not, when banning.

Uhhh, hope nobody will loop through all numbers and put them in a table of an array type.


There’s going to be this one guy, that will create games like: “If you fail the Obby you will get banned”


I assume this will get updated

is it possible to ban people without banning alts ?

awesomesauce poggers. I always have problems with trolls using alt accounts. I hope this helps

yippee! hooray! huzza! wowee! yay!

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I’ve spent so much time having to make ban datastores, for them to be flooded with the same alt accounts
This is such a great relief and honestly puts so much less stress on us, I appreciate it a ton.

yes its a boolean

ExcludeAltAccounts : boolean (Optional, default is false) : When true, Roblox does not attempt to ban alt accounts.

How exactly does the alternate account detection work? over the past we have developed our own alt detection systems that compare friends, badges and other profile features to check if they are alternate accounts would you say the alt detection functions the same way or does it have to do with IP logs?

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Yes, they did say that owners can turn it off.

Once roblox had PBS (Personal Build Servers).
There was a perm ban system once you configured the game itself, where the description was.
It was such a good system, I was sad when roblox removed it.

Finally, after so long! The days where I just tried out scripting, saw a basic anti-cheat and was wondering : “Why not use :Ban() or something???” Thanks Roblox, and will definitely use this for all sorts of anti-exploits!

No, thank you. You have no idea how many years I and others have been waiting for this feature.
Thank you for listening to us.


Roblox should have included perm bans from groups earlier.
The “Kick” or “Moderators to accept join requests” doesn’t really help.


Awesome sauce!
I can’t wait to integrate this into my game and be able to finally have a proper banning system which can also detect alt accounts which is awesome!

This is my account I was suspended