Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

Players:UnbanAsync() is to unban a player


ohj my godsfafwefawefawgaehs yessssssss


This is a game changer. Was waiting for that


This will be an issue, but I’m hoping games only use this for exploiters. After all, games like Washiez said grew from trollers. [Replied to the wrong post - Apologies]


I have been waiting for this for so long, TYSM
This is where the fun begins! :grin:



Alt account detection for game developers.


Finally. I’m hoping we continue to get updates like these, including improved anti-cheat as well as more server-authoritative solutions.


Can’t wait to test this out and figure out how it actually detects alts


This is so cool.
0/10 update btw I cant read allat :joy::joy::joy::joy:


This has been long overdue for years, I am glad we got it before the release of my teams game! So we wouldn’t have to worry about migrating!


Idea for the future would be flagging accounts that got a certain amount of bans in other games over a recent period of time as potential offenders and allowing other games to see that flag.

I would hope so that Roblox will be tracking that kind of stuff internally anyway for the site-wide moderation purposes.

Also, I still haven’t found info if banned users can engage with the store page of the game they were banned in.


it’s API not AI, something a developer can easily utilize instead of manually scripting everything in, which is really a convenience, as well as the alt detection which really was impossible previously


“suspected alt accounts” that sounds like ai

Roblox is finally listening to us…

for once and for all, No more trollers/exploiters anymore

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This is a long-needed addition, thank you Roblox! I just have a couple of questions. Does it allow the banned user to even join the experience, such as old data store based systems did, or does it show the user they are banned on the experience page? I also noticed that, looking through the already existing Studio code suggestions before this update that the BanConfigType and UnbanConfigType (being the methods I saw to ban and unban users) are not explicitely asynchronous. Does this mean they aren’t network requests (that can fail) and we won’t need pcalls and retry logic to ban a user? It would be very helpful if not, as it removes the small chance the user may not get banned.

How do we exactly see that an account is an alt?


@7yooso يووو تعال شي مهم جدا بيفيدنا

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Then just don’t use the feature. You can turn it off, it’s just an extra thing developers might want to have.

Do you want them to just use humans to detect alt accounts? Not happening. As I said previously, you can disable the alt account detection feature if you find it to be unhelpful.

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Man learn to read, this is not roblox banning players for you. This is them implementing an official method for developers to ban players from our games with a simple API that includes the upside of hitting that users alternate accounts as well.

And where are you getting AI from?
*ps: Literally any developer that has a large amount of people banned due to exploiting or any other reason but still get attacked due to alt accounts will most definitely appreciate this update.


How long does the ban history log get stored for, is it theoretically infinite or should I be worried about former bans being removed at a later stage? This is crucial information for me to know in order to fully transfer over to using this system.