It generally works over cookies, I don’t think IP would ever be used unless the offender creates a lot of accounts which they already take action on.
The whole thought process behind it seems sloppy, thankfully it seems like its still im beta so i have some hope it will change
I’ve smashed together a few things.
I’m not sure if it all works yet, but it’s a template you could look at.
This allows for these commands:
- Ban Command
;ban UserID [Duration] [Reason]
- Description: Bans the specified user with an optional reason.
;ban 123456789 1h Cheating
- Unban Command
;unban UserID [Reason]
- Description: Unbans the specified user with an optional reason.
;unban 123456789 Apology accepted
- Ban History Command
;banhistory UserID
- Description: Retrieves and displays the ban history of the specified user.
;banhistory 123456789
- Silent Ban Command
/ban UserID [Duration] [Reason]
- Description: Silently bans the specified user with an optional reason. Results are sent directly to the executing player.
/ban 123456789 1h Cheating
- Silent Unban Command
/unban UserID [Reason]
- Description: Silently unbans the specified user with an optional reason. Results are sent directly to the executing player.
/unban 123456789 Apology accepted
- Silent Ban History Command
/banhistory UserID
- Description: Silently retrieves and displays the ban history of the specified user. Results are sent directly to the executing player.
/banhistory 123456789
Usage Notes
Prefix: Commands prefixed with
are public, visible to all players in the chat. -
Silent Prefix: Commands prefixed with
are silent, and results are sent only to the player who issued the command. - Reason Parameter: The reason for banning or unbanning is optional. If not provided, it defaults to “No reason provided”.
- Permissions: Only players with the necessary permissions (specified user IDs or group ranks) can execute these commands.
Special Considerations
- Studio Testing: The script allows the use of special UserIDs (negative values) for testing in Roblox Studio.
- Ban/Unban Permissions: Specific user IDs and group ranks are allowed to ban or unban users, ensuring proper access control.
This setup ensures that only authorized players can manage bans and unbans, and allows for silent execution of commands when needed.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local prefix = ";" -- Change this prefix as per your command setup
local silentPrefix = "/" -- Prefix for silent commands
-- Configuration: Allowed UserIDs, Groups, and Specific Ranks for Ban/Unban
local allowedUserIds = {4309939, -1} -- UserIds of the admins
local allowedGroups = {
{3057028, 255, 254, 250}, -- Group ID and ranks of the allowed groups
{3057028, 255, 252, 248}
-- Add more groups with their respective ranks in the format {groupId, rank1, rank2, ...}
local banRank = {3057028, 255, 254, 250} -- Group ID and ranks allowed to ban
local unbanRank = {3057028, 254, 253, 252} -- Group ID and ranks allowed to unban
-- Function to check if a player is in a specific group with a required rank
local function isInGroupWithRank(player, groupId, ranks)
if player:IsInGroup(groupId) then
local playerRank = player:GetRankInGroup(groupId)
for _, rank in ipairs(ranks) do
if playerRank == rank then
return true
return false
-- Function to check if a player can ban
local function canBan(player)
-- Check if player is in allowed UserIDs
for _, userId in ipairs(allowedUserIds) do
if player.UserId == userId then
return true
-- Check if player is in allowed groups with sufficient rank for banning
for _, groupInfo in ipairs(banRank) do
local groupId = groupInfo[1]
if isInGroupWithRank(player, groupId, groupInfo) then
return true
return false
-- Function to check if a player can unban
local function canUnban(player)
-- Check if player is in allowed UserIDs
for _, userId in ipairs(allowedUserIds) do
if player.UserId == userId then
return true
-- Check if player is in allowed groups with sufficient rank for unbanning
for _, groupInfo in ipairs(unbanRank) do
local groupId = groupInfo[1]
if isInGroupWithRank(player, groupId, groupInfo) then
return true
return false
-- Function to parse duration strings into seconds
local function parseDuration(durationStr)
local duration = tonumber(durationStr:match("(%d+)"))
local unit = durationStr:match("(%a+)")
if not duration or not unit then
return nil
if unit == "s" then
return duration
elseif unit == "m" then
return duration * 60
elseif unit == "h" then
return duration * 60 * 60
elseif unit == "d" then
return duration * 60 * 60 * 24
return nil
-- Function to ban a player with optional duration and reason
local function banPlayer(userId, durationStr, reason)
local duration = parseDuration(durationStr) or -1 -- Default to permanent ban if duration is not valid
local success, err = pcall(function()
local banHistoryPages = Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(userId)
local config = {
UserIds = {userId},
Duration = duration,
DisplayReason = "You violated community guideline #5",
PrivateReason = reason or "No reason provided",
ExcludeAltAccounts = false,
ApplyToUniverse = true
if not success then
warn("Failed to ban player:", err)
-- Function to unban a player by UserID
local function unbanPlayer(userId, reason)
local success, err = pcall(function()
if success then
print("Successfully unbanned UserID:", userId, "Reason:", reason)
warn("Failed to unban UserID:", userId, "-", err)
-- Function to get ban history for a player by UserID
local function getBanHistory(userId)
local success, banHistoryPages = pcall(function()
return Players:GetBanHistoryAsync(userId)
if success then
local historyMessage = ""
for _, entry in ipairs(banHistoryPages:GetCurrentPage()) do
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\nBan Details:"
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\n- Display Reason: " .. entry.DisplayReason
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\n- Private Reason: " .. entry.PrivateReason
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\n- Start Time: " .. entry.StartTime
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\n- Duration: " .. entry.Duration .. " seconds"
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\n- Ban in PlaceId: " .. (entry.PlaceId == -1 and "Universe" or tostring(entry.PlaceId))
historyMessage = historyMessage .. "\n"
return historyMessage
return "Failed to retrieve ban history for UserID " .. userId
-- Command handling for place owner or group owner to manage bans and view ban history
if message:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix or message:sub(1, #silentPrefix) == silentPrefix then
local command = message:sub(#prefix + 1)
local isSilent = message:sub(1, #silentPrefix) == silentPrefix
if isSilent then
command = message:sub(#silentPrefix + 1)
local function sendMessageToPlayer(player, message)
player:SendNotification({Title = "Command Result", Text = message, Duration = 5})
if command:sub(1, 9) == "banhistory" then
local userId = tonumber(command:sub(11)) -- Extract UserID from command
if userId then
-- Check if the player can view ban history
if canBan(player) then
local history = getBanHistory(userId)
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "Ban History for UserID " .. userId .. ":" .. history)
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "You are not authorized to view ban history.")
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "Invalid command. Use /banhistory <UserID> to view ban history.")
elseif command:sub(1, 3) == "ban" then
local args = command:sub(5):split(" ") -- Extract UserID, Duration, and Reason from command
local userId = tonumber(args[1])
local durationStr = args[2]
local reason = table.concat(args, " ", 3) or "No reason provided"
if userId then
-- Check if the player can ban
if canBan(player) then
if userId < 0 and not RunService:IsStudio() then
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "You cannot ban special UserIDs in production.")
banPlayer(userId, durationStr, reason)
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "Successfully banned UserID " .. userId .. " for reason: " .. reason)
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "You are not authorized to ban players.")
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "Invalid command. Use /ban <UserID> <Duration> <Reason> to ban a player.")
elseif command:sub(1, 5) == "unban" then
local args = command:sub(7):split(" ") -- Extract UserID and Reason from command
local userId = tonumber(args[1])
local reason = table.concat(args, " ", 2) or "No reason provided"
if userId then
-- Check if the player can unban
if canUnban(player) then
unbanPlayer(userId, reason)
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "Successfully unbanned UserID " .. userId .. " for reason: " .. reason)
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "You are not authorized to unban players.")
sendMessageToPlayer(player, "Invalid command. Use /unban <UserID> <Reason> to unban a player.")
Amazing, thank you so much for this Roblox! It was definitely a good and long needed feature, especially the alt detection that we as developers haven’t been able to do by our selves due to the permission restrictions (which couldn’t have been lifted since it would make for privacy issues instead).
Let’s just hope the alt-detection system does a good job of detecting alts
Summer 2022 me would be jumping around the room and screaming like a little girl, and even right now I have a HUGE smile on my face. Awesome work! I’m so happy this is finally here, great updates so far in 2024!
I didn’t get to try since I managed to get my main unbanned through my alt, but I’ll be sure to give it a try the next time I play around with the ban system.
It didn’t work when I tried using it on two separate alt accounts
oh my god its happening, everybody calm down, its actually happening, its been years and years of making our own ban systems but now, we finally have got a API for bans, amazing work, this is a long needed addition finally being implemented, the day is here coders of roblox, lets hope it works well and takes out them alts
In creative spaces, the issue isn’t AI period, it’s generative AI. In this case, AI (if being used) is being used as a tool to assist people’s jobs, not stealing ideas from actual humans. AI can be used for good, but because of the general use of it it’s muddied the waters alot.
Yay! So excited to revamp my mod commands with this. Thanks for the update
cookies get changed when you log out of your account so probably not
Definitely a L for Roblox. Barneyhunter12 is def never gonna get to troll. Welp. Gotta remind my comrades at BloxStreet.
however I dont truly see any other way of it being used
IPs are too sloppy, a lot of time they’re shared which could lead to other people being wrongfully banned, and HWID’s are spoofable, and could also be bypassed by just… using a different device, I wish they revealed some documentation on this because its an interesting implementation if it actually works reliably
I just hopped in game, opened the server console and used this (dont forget to replace userid):
game:GetService("Players"):BanAsync({UserIds = {248428063}, Duration = 300, DisplayReason = "Im testing lol", PrivateReason = "Testing2"})
Best thing Roblox has done all year hands down this will help so many experiences with exploiter issues.
How did you get it to work? Just logged into your alt?
Yeah, I’m logged into a different account on Windows App version of roblox so I just opened that and then played the game and it detected me.
You are probably right in your assumption that they probably use cookies. They have a BrowserID cookie (if I remember correctly), and people that use VPNs or public connections would be screwed over if they used IP addresses.
It’s easy to clear cookies, but I’d rather bad actors who are too unwise to clear their cookies stay banned than having to deal with appeals from innocent players who happened to share the same IP address as a bad actor.
I actually believe that might be how it works in some form, I got banned recently for a day on an alt (dont ask) and I closed roblox before logging out, then when i tried to boot up with my main I ran into an error message, it was only until I cleared my cache i was able to play again.
Bug or leaked new feature, call it.