What an awesome opportunity for developers and studios! Hope to see some really amazing games come out of this program, best of luck for those applying!
This is so cool and an amazing opportunity for us creators, thanks so much ! Small question, it it something that could be done alongside the Accelerator program? As in, can an Accelerator project also apply for this program?
With 500,000, you could do nearly anything. I know many games that are very good but have little players because they don’t have enough to get players. With that amount of money it will be able to help developers and players find new games and genres. This is amazing roblox!!
What is the main difference between this and the Accelerator Program? Why should people apply for the Accelerator Program when they can enter the Game Fund, are they not essentially the same thing?
Taking a look at the application requirements, I’m going to assume this is more directed towards people that want to build very large scale teams and take on projects that the platform hasn’t seen successfully completed before.
Hello Hayden,
To quickly answer you, the application requires to be 18+ so you can wait until you get to the age of 18 but only apply after, spots are limited so applying in October/September might be a bit too late.
Good luck
unbelievable, this is amazing for those who really need it
I believe the accelerator program is more engaging, involving talk sessions and other things rather than just being outright funding
Such an amazing idea! Good luck to those applying!
That’s insane tho I wish they could at least give Robux as funding for 16-18 years old people.
500k dollars per project??? with that type of money i can only imagine what would happen
Seeing this is extremely exciting! Proves people’s points wrong that Roblox does not support newer developers.
Yeah, but if that is the case then this would essentially render it useless.
Given that they will still be sitting with you and giving you accompany throughout the program from start to finish, if there is even a finish.
The Goals are somewhat different, I agree, but Game Fund is a much more worth it deal than Accelerator because it also seems more serious about creating a game, and the experience you gain here is much better than the one you would as an Accelerator, in-fact the payment would probably be lower as an Accelerator than this.
And if they are taking this much more seriously, then the selection of the Developers would be much more biased and the chances of someone who is unknown yet have the skill to be selected are much lower than it already is for an Accelerator. It just falls down to preference and is very subjective.
This is AMAZING, my best wishes to everyone who applies
Wow! Nice opportunity for all the Robloxian Imaginators
Now, hold your horses right there! 500,000?!
This seems like an awesome opportunity! Great to see Roblox doing things like this; good luck to anyone who applies and I can’t wait to see the results of these projects!
This is amazing, excited to see the games that come out of this! Thanks ROBLOX!
This is a lot of money! I wonder what’s going to be made with all of this money.
Hopefully it doesn’t go to the wrong people.
Is this program a one-off thing? Or will it be happening in future years as well?
I might be interested in applying in the future after I have more experience under my belt.