Introducing the Game Fund

when your games funding is larger than annual income… :grimacing: :grimacing:



great amount of money and this is a great idea overall.

I hope that this money can give an adopt me popularity level game a funding base to get it to an amazing state.


There should be an option for people who are 13+ like 500k Robux as Game Fund too. That would really help people who are 13+ who are developers and their projects!

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prob some legal reason with giving children half a mil

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It’s illegal to have children work… And Roblox is working on something called the Talent Hub which is similar to LinkedIn so you will be able to find jobs easier there.

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Ability to leverage ‘Metaverse’ items (i.e., that can be equipped on platform avatars, like the ones you buy in marketplace)

So they use gears? Or am I misunderstanding?

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With programs such as this the platform can see increases of DevEx rates, due to the rapid increase of users on the platform thus higher incomes overall.

Also, businesses have a goal of spending all of the money they make so that it is not taxed away from them. So if they have an increased income they need to find ways to spend the income or it will go to waste.

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Would the Talent Hub also be illegal for children? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


No cause that will be using in-game currency (robux).


I haven’t question it until now. But why are you running favouritism basically if a small developers don’t succeed just chuck them away???

And the developers that roblox loves will become a
Trust rank as “member” and applications will be 99% chance on being accepted if roblox loves you as a developer. With a more high chance on actually getting your game on the front page.

I think this is wrong and I have now discovered the true side of roblox and I feel very uncomfortable even staying as a member here.

P.S what I have seen so far not relating to this but on roblox admins side I am truly upset as a bad (small developer myself since 2016 where has roblox been to endorse me?) the question is they haven’t I am actually very annoyed on this other small developers and big developer should he treated the same not by favouritism which is just wrong on so many levels.

I rarely complain about roblox but this has gone to far now on favouritism.

Not trying to drag off topic but most new members can’t even suggest stuff to roblox or even report bugs and not to mention fast track report special people who roblox endorse will be able to report normal people will have to wait 10 months for a silly game with a rude word for it to get taken down.


I love how optimistic this is 500K?!?!?!?!? Roblox has a ton of trust on this.

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Best of luck to everyone who has applied! :slight_smile:


My honest opinion is this is a terrible choice especially aiming this towards experiences. Why can’t this be shifted towards developers to instead of making games on Roblox, make new features or improve existing features on the Roblox engine? This amount of money needs to be spent towards the engine and giving it more features and stability rather than trying to compete with AAA games that don’t have a error on their own damn core scripts. You know how embarrassing that is for a multi-billion dollar company to have errors on their own core scripts?

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Ahh yes, 500k minimum is competing with AAA games.

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I cannot imagine what I would be able to do by myself with that kind of money. I guess this would mean starting by myself and then using the money to hire people?


That’s a lot for a lego game
It should be lowered, not suitable for roblox


Is my parental guardian able to apply for this?

I am 13 but I really wanna participate in this and if I do it through my guardian it is through an adult, and there is no real thing that says the person who applied has to do stuff in the project.

Please tell me if I am wrong, but I think I should be able to have my parental guardian apply for this.

  1. Roblox isn’t a lego game

  2. $500,000 is better than nothing. Just be thankful that they are giving something.


Yes I would like a game fund to support me. man face

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1: How would you use 500k?
2: WHY would you use 500k?
3: You don’t need money to make a game.