Introducing... the health ball

Today I present to you, a health ball!

if anyone would like to use this lmk through messages…

this is just something i randomly decided to work on, if anyone has any feedback, that would be appreciated.


What exactly is a use case for this?

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it could be used for fantasy games? I came up with this idea because the game path of exile uses a sphere shaped health bar.

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I could see this being used in a lot of different use cases.

In a robot game, for example, it would be like a little indicator on a panel and wouldn’t be out of place among the countless dials and buttons

It could also be used in fantasy games, as you have said.

Anywhere where the health bar would be too generic or out of place, actually.

i feel like it could be a heart instead, it could make a bit more sense

this is my refrence

I wasnt trying to make it a heart, i just wanted it to be a sphere.

That’s… based off of Diablo’s UI/UX.

Diablo I and II from the 90s used this design.

Additionally, what you should be doing is storing the Health Ball itself in a wrapper/container Frame and use the Health Bar itself as well as UDIM Scale property (with maths) to calculate the correct Y Scale factor. Set the Anchor Point to {0.5, 1} and Position to {0.5, 0}, {1, 0}.

Calculate health from there to retrieve the UDIM2 Y Scale for the Wrapper/Container Frame : (1 / MaxHealth) * CurrentHealth

Keep the health ball image at a constant factor with the parent of the container frame (henceforth the “guilded frame” which is used for decor). Create a RBXScriptConnection with “GetPropertyChangedSignal” targeting the absolute size of the guilded frame and set the Health Ball’s size with a UDIM2.New()

In a use case like ROBLOX, this design is impractical.

Introducing… the final version of this health ball.

I’m done updating this, and I refuse to work anymore on this lol…

With some help from @extraclear, I have finally managed to create what I was originally looking for. But due to unfortunate roblox limitations, I cant figure out how to create the same effect without removing the background you see.

Honestly it sucks… and I don’t mean visually I mean practically as extraclear mentioned. Whenever you rescale it for different devices, it becomes on oval. I’m not a gui designer and I’m not really sure how to fix this. The background that allows for the circular look by cutting off a square… it looks kind of ugly.

Maybe I could’ve done this better, and I just didn’t know how to. But for now this is the best I can do and I won’t update it past this point.

Use UICorner, it works well with this kind of stuff… Don’t use images for this except for a guilded frame :slight_smile:

Already aware you won’t work on it but this is for anyone who’s reading from this point onwards.

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that looks honestly quite unique and in some cases can be better than just a bar.