Hiya! I had seen some team changer resources lately (about 3 weeks ago LOL) and thought that “Hey, why not benefit the terri- terrific! Yes terrific! people of roblox with my own? That looks like Roblox’s chat system?”
So here it is for all you terrib- terr- terrific I mean sorry, people…
I really despise polls like that. Not only does it force a very specific opinion, it guilt trips the reader.
Is this UI good?
It could be better (reply!)
Is this UI good?
I hate you. You are terrible at UI Design.
Because I was given such bad choices, I picked “No, you’re terrible.” in your poll. The UI design itself is okay, although I don’t like the change in padding for the team slots!
That brings me to my next point. In your poll, you haven’t asked for constructive feedback when the reader picks no. Ask them how you could improve! They may know a thing or too.
Also, in the title, the actual thing you created is all the way at the end. Readers may skip reading it because it shows them “Introducing the Officially Unofficial Roblo…”. It should be the first thing they see, like: “Simple Team Changer Interface”. Now I know what it is, and what it can do, in a few words!
First impressions are huge. You should never assume you’re the best at anything. This sentence (or should I say, fragment) is an entitled statement. Somebody will always be better! But, that is okay. You should continue doing what you like to do! One day, you’ll be like them.
Also this entire post you wrote is all about how bad i wrote this topic and yapping. You only posted one feedback and may i know what do you not like about it? So i may be a good dev and change thy annoying padding?
I actually did ask him in a nice way about his ACTUAL feedback. The rest in my opinion is quite unnecessary. Also i wont post hen if you guys want. Cant care