Introducing the Roblox Notable Translator Program [Pilot]

I find that limiting it to 3 languages is quite tight especially that there are other languages such as Arabic, French, Dutch, etc.

I, as a well-known Arabic translator, recommend to expand these options in order to raise opportunities for such other translators.

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only three languages? will there be more?

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Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for your submissions. It’s exciting to see the resonance of the group!

The candidates’ tests are now in review, and we will reach out individually within the next couple of weeks with your results.

After the completion of this pilot, we may open up the program to further languages.

Stay tuned!


Hello translators!

We have evaluated the submitted translations tests and candidates should receive an email with their results next week.

We’ve also put together Linguistic Resources for Translators with helpful hints to help elevate your translations on Roblox.

Happy translating!


Any estimated dates for the addition of other languages?

Congratulations and big thanks to all participants! A list including the first batch of Notable Translators was published here:

Notable Translators Program

If you’re interested in becoming a Notable Translator, feel free to apply for one of the currently supported 3 language pairs, or stay tuned as we open up the program to further languages.


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