I am starting to dislike this system as you have been promoting the same games non-stop, I have yet to have any of my games put in daily picks despite putting mine frequently but the same 15-20 games get picked likely due to bias in the panel of whoever chooses daily picks. It’s not fair. I’ve seen games even owned by pedophiles promoted on the daily picks like Dandy’s world with their co-owner Rox being a known groomer and they gave them a big amount of players… I am losing faith with Roblox always saying they are about the players but are promoting the same 15 games over and over and mostly are only advertising top games in a genre with bias.
We’re really helping new games get discovered after promoting DTI in today’s picks and events about every single time it changes.
Person who picked these also links to their youtube while already having social links (which is, against tos) lmao.
Ok so with these lists and featuring dress to impress/bloxburg/Fisch were really not helping small devs or smaller games. Is this ever going to change?
At this point the language they used in this post is just straight insulting and like they were trying to outright lie or mock us. “will start to feature more small games” Almost non of these games are small.
What if they actually feature small games on weekdays and already games with 30k active on weekends? instead of just flooding into the same 40 monopoly games every day always…It would give at least part of the week to smaller games(they are 100% not going to take this advice or any advice on this post…)
Despite it being said hundreds of times before by others, I am going to say this again:
What is the point of today’s picks?
If Roblox stuck to the original idea of promoting underrated games, then it would work, but Today’s Picks is quite literally a second discover page. Blox Fruits is the first game I see on the discover page, so why does it need to be promoted?
The star creator thing could work, but Roblox seems to have chosen all the star creators who limit themselves to playing front page roleplay games, who would recoil at the slightest glimpse of a game designed for people over the age of 7, at which point the games chosen doesn’t matter because it’s the same thing that is normally being promoted on today’s picks
It shouldn’t be this difficult to do this correctly. They don’t even need to be ‘underrated’ games for me to be happy, even some semi well known games would be nice as long as they aren’t the usual cash grabs which have been promoted 4+ times before.
This is actually nauseating/DISGUSTING. “New Year New you”
: has more games with 500mil+ visits and ignores this entire post. Ah yes. Lets hope they “finish” the algorithm this year…
the algorithm is currently broken it keeps suggesting me be fat and weird interesting games even that i play horror games ! i do not know if they are testing something or it is broken or this is intended to show us weird interesting games for some reason
Just remember that this is a “curated selection” and someone is picking these games manually
Edit: WOW, beast games, a game from the largest YouTuber in the world, on a manually created list at the top of the home screen? Along with zero “small” games whatsoever? This is so surprising!!
Wow, I cant believe that a developer of dress to impress… CHOSE DRESS TO IMPRESS! TO PROMOTE TO EVERY USER WHEN THEY OPEN ROBLOX! This is one of the greatest implementations to help users discover a zeitgeist of experiences that they may have never considered before.
This helps small games, you know, the market this feature was intended to help people discover, SOOOOOOOOO much!
Stop letting random people promote their own games and the games of others. Stop repeatedly promoting the same exact games. WHY are we letting HUMONGOUS DEVELOPERS/STAR CREATORS “guest curators” profit EVEN MORE off of the promises to SMALLER CREATORS???

For anyone who didn’t get the memo, this person is a developer (community manager?) of the game they’re promoting.
Now I want to be fully clear that I’m not trying to promote hate of anybody here. This is focused more on the overall “guest curator” system. With that being said:
First of all, promoting games that
a. you are affiliated with
b. you make money from
c. have already been promoted to everyone hundreds of times before
is pretty scummy. -
Second of all, Roblox should not even be allowing “guest curators” to do this at all, being able to choose is a privilege that barely anybody gets, and you can just use it to profit off of a game that everybody on the platform already knows about (and you work for/get paid from)?
- Edit: Wow, a topic that was completely related to development and the marketing/promotion of smaller creators (showcasing the favoritism of Today’s Picks) got taken down for being unrelated to development despite “Is Roblox safe for children?” existing for YEARS? Oh yeah, the moderator that took it down? The only game they’ve played is the game that was being complained about being promoted by it’s own developer.
- Edit: Wow, a topic that was completely related to development and the marketing/promotion of smaller creators (showcasing the favoritism of Today’s Picks) got taken down for being unrelated to development despite “Is Roblox safe for children?” existing for YEARS? Oh yeah, the moderator that took it down? The only game they’ve played is the game that was being complained about being promoted by it’s own developer.
To end off this part here:
What a shocker… EVERY SINGLE GAME that was promoted today has over 5 BILLION visits. That’s a number most people can’t even say how many zeros that is off the top of their head.
Here’s a tiny list of things they had in common:
- Had over 5B Visits
- Was a roleplay game
- Was targeted towards females (except bloxburg)
- Had emojis in the title (except bloxburg)
- Overly positive like/dislike ratio (Royale high at the lowest with 86%, DTI at the highest with 91%)
Close to zero diversity whatsoever compared to yesterday, where we got both Deepwoken and Regretevator, which are already very big games, but I’ll give it a pass for promoting two quality games and a paid-access game.
Oh, also, just mentioning Beast Games, a game by THE largest youtube in the world coincidentally got promoted…
Also, can’t forget Wicked RP, a game that broke multiple Video Highlight Guidelines (most notably by having real life faces in the trailer) and yet still avoids punishment after being reported. Said rules being:
video highlight guidelines
- No commercial videos
- Cannot be about off-site subjects
- Cannot include personal identifiable information or images
- Cannot contain video or images of real people
- Cannot monetize the video—i.e. cannot have advertisement from outside vendors attached to the YouTube video
- Yep. The video is monetized after two seconds of research.
And I wouldn’t have a problem with this whatsoever… If other users weren’t actively getting punished for breaking these too.
Just some other examples of favoritism within the system.
please ignore the absurdly high amount of edits I’m trying to not sound stupid
I get the frustration. It’s tiring seeing L after L, getting hopes up, and then seeing another L. I doubt your words are seen, or if they are, they’re likely not going to be heard.
Part of me wants to say “stop wasting your breath and time”. Parts of me says “shout anyway cause who else will?”
Being honest, if I were in the position to choose what games to put up there, I’d have a hard time not choosing my own game. Of course the perspective is here that my game isn’t popular and the other person is, but my point is bias.
I don’t think I’d put myself up there if I was popular, I’d shed light on the other games in the genre I love that aren’t popular (in the theoretical). But, since I’m not there, I’m saying the option would be tempting. So, I don’t entirely blame the DTI dev. I’d moreso blame Roblox for allowing popular games to be shown when they framed the purpose of Today’s Picks to not be that. I’ll quote just for the sake of it:
So, in short, Today’s Picks was supposed to be for just released (“too new for our algorithm”) or otherwise not usually shown (“fresh”) games. The 2nd quote though says “up-and-coming genre” and “notable for another reason” which broadens things greatly. Roblox has notes that their “approach to curation” would evolve with time.
One could argue that Roblox is perfectly fine by allowing DTI devs to promote DTI. It’s “notable” as it’s popular. And, maybe Roblox’s “approach to creation” changed.
That said, the wording sucked fazballs, was too long, and made basically everyone who read it think we’d see change to favor smaller creators in some way. Moving forward, we should directly look for stuff like this and clarify that it won’t be used to reinforce the popularity of already popular games.
Might not be a satisfying response, but it’s something. A lot of life is unfortunately a brick wall. Roblox is quite the brick wall.
I don’t either, if I made it look that way I apologize.
Call me a hypocrite, everyone’s goal is to promote their own game. Now when I think about it, I’d jump on the chance (if I was confident enough in my game, and yes, if less popular). The thing is, normally, it’s basically like hoping that a staff member, or “curator” as I will probably be referring to them from now on, pulls your name out of a hat.
The people who get to pick these games (“guest curators”) are very specific, most commonly star creators, as is the person that picked today and almost everyone else, so, it would make sense for them to pick games based on their audience and what they like, after all, that’s what they were assigned to do I guess.
One of the things that made me irritated was the lack of diversity in the games chosen, but I guess that is to be expected when you ask someone who plays a niche genre of games to promote some to the entire site.
Getting a guaranteed choice of basically any game, including games you work for and get paid from just for being affiliated with Roblox is more of the unfair part, not neccecarily the bias towards picking your game, which I understand more and still is a little unfair, the way guest creators are picked to promote games is more of a problem. (But it isn’t like the normal curators are doing any better tbh)
I feel like if community members could apply to become curators we would see a lot more diversity in the games that get advertized.
I’d understand if the game was less popular, but at this point, hasn’t DTI been the most promoted game on Today’s Picks? I wouldn’t mind if we got four games that have been previously popular, like Robot 64 or Cube Cavern (rip) for example.
OFC these games have to be submitted first, so it would make sense why we don’t see many quality games, but don’t you think we’d see just a little less of the same games over and over again? I can’t help but think something’s going on there.
I feel like if community members could apply to become curators we would see a lot more diversity in the games that get advertized. Also, I feel like different age ranges should ALL be recommended different content, but higher ages will also be able to view the recommendations of lower ages.
If anyone made an extension to disable Today’s Picks, link me to it.
I just wish we saw more underrated games (with a higher diversity of genres than just simulators and games with billions of visits) like this feature advertized tbh.
- Squid game is rated TV-MA…? You’re advertizing this to the entirety of Roblox,
INCLUDING <13 users?Really Roblox?
- Upon further inspection this is what is actually shown to <13 users (which ironically has something… SQUID GAME RELATED?) and I apologize for my mistake.
Still rated TV-MA and not that I care, not what I think Roblox would want to be promoting to every 13+ user to watch.
- Sorry, what’s this have to do with squid game again? There’s not even anything related to the actual show, or anything even in it. (remember this is manually curated)
Why are we just promoting slop unrelated to what the theme is even supposed to be? That’s literally a basketball game and a skating game, these do not relate to squid game whatsoever. (CURATED list of experiences IF YOU WATCHED SQUID GAME (for SQUID GAME FANS))
Funniest part of that is literally none of them could be further from what squid games is in any way. I’d put actual money down they had some randomly generated set of games they needed to put a title on, and decided to just slap a random trending name on.
You can use uBlock to hide the element containing today’s picks using the “element zapper” mode.
Your favorite monopiles - that have NOTHING to do with squid game and already on 10 chart lists!
I mean I’d say they got it objectively more accurate than the previous set this time. Adopt Me is all about gambling, and Squid Games literally revolves around gambling.
Feb update. Yeah so i am almost positive every single game featured on my picks for PC whatever group this is have been featured 10+ times. Is anyone actually calling this out or we just GAVE up guys?
At least their not clocking 20k+ like they did with sols rng for 2 months straight on picks. But come on 10+ features!!! 10?! 10?