Introducing Today’s Picks - A New Curated Sort on Home [Pilot]

I don’t think you understood what I wrote lol. The guy I responded to did bring it up, albeit indirectly. He provided a screenshot of the survey asking if the participant was from a specific group, likely to give them priority in selection if they were. So, I sarcastically said that what Roblox was doing definitely isn’t affirmative action. (As in, it’s totally what they’re doing)

Ooh I see what you mean now. Okay thanks.

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Ill have you know That as an X Army soldier, current veteran we are out here, and we are making games… slips back into the bushes.

How does this game have 22k visits but barley anyone playing


They could be botted, at this point.


I’m kind of annoyed that this doesn’t apply to PC-only games. Lots of high-quality games are PC only because that’s the only device that can handle them. If Roblox pushes compatibility with lower-end devices, they thin out large and/or graphically advanced games.


Finally, Roblox is finally addressing this issue of experiences not being seen by players unless you have status on social media!

Hope that more comes from this in the near future and this is just a first :crossed_fingers:


i have a game with 70k visits and barely anyone is playing it


Can I add more experiences than one


The icon looks like something out of The Thing


Are we able to resubmit our experiences if some of the information has changed since first submission?


i kinda love that some games listed there are i guess nods to other games

PLEASE put the friends list back at the top, this layout is unbearable and makes me wanna get admitted to a mental hospital


Please bring the continue playing and friends list back up to the top, that’s all I ask.


Coincidentally they hand picked a game just for that purpose!

Actually maybe it isn’t a coincidence.


I don’t think you recognize how much this further marginalizes smaller games. Handpicking a few games per day does not even come close to the potential reach of “continue playing” or the friends list, where people are already out seeking for diamond in the rough games. This update is poor, and has stripped developers - and consumers alike - of any direct way of reaching new audiences.


Asking here since it’s more likely to be seen and is relevant to the topic - why has the thread to do with the other recent changes to the Home page been unlisted when the update has barely been out for a day?

It absolutely reeks of an unwillingness by staff to engage with developers on the issue, which is absolutely unacceptable given the volume of feedback.


I disagree with the “Today’s Pick” feature. While it’s a nice addition, it doesn’t reflect the authentic growth seen when a game appears in a friend’s playing list. Roblox is taking on a task that isn’t their responsibility. This feature attempts to solve a problem that doesn’t exist on the platform. If a game merits recognition, it should naturally be highlighted by our friends playing it, rather than Roblox promoting a specific agenda. Let’s discuss how they’ve shifted the focus from the friends bar to spotlighting games in the “Today’s Pick” section, and how they often feature sponsored content like “Kong X Godzilla.” - Or placing a friend oriented game seemingly as a way to push collaborative play - this just isn’t the same as joining your friends! - These self-serving and controlling updates occur too frequently. I think I can say for the most of developers we’re not interested in this approach. Consider how else they might use their criteria to boost undeserving games; recognition should be based on genuine playability, not by adding games to a predetermined list to improve PR. The potential consequences of this update are significant and not worth implementing across the vast Roblox ecosystem. This update severely limits individual game reach and marginalizes the developer, taking away from us the tactics previously in place to engage further users. This is not the direction we should be going!


It’s frustrating to realize that the primary method to generate personal, direct support for games now is by paying exorbitant sums to Roblox for sponsorships. It seems there is a determination to dismantle the few categories that rely on user interaction rather than algorithms and pay walls.

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The problem is that Roblox doesn’t make any money through games that prioritize gameplay over Robux-grabbing. No gamepasses = no Robux needed = no Robux bought.

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