Introducing UI Tools

Note: I am aware that there is a plugin with the same name, that adds UI instances as well, but i saw the topic after i had mine published. No intentions of stealing. Also note, this is my first ever plugin.

0.2 update Released!

A quick video overview:

UI Tools is a plugin that ive been working on for a week.

You can add UI instances with ease, as well equipped with previews.

Here is some screenshot examples, note that i will change this from a widget to a UI.


I need your feedback and ideas to bring this to life. You can find the demo here, for free.

In creations feedback for feedback and ideas before official release.

Note: This will be finished when out of its demo.
UITools 0.2 - Roblox

Update: 0.2

  • Easter theme UI
  • UI Script adder: Pre-made GUI scripts!
  • Re-made UI.
  • FIxed bugs.
  • Added more instances.

the gui looks bad the plugin it self looks bad it is just a waste of time in my case and also it only has 3 functions i would be impressed if it had atleast 10 functions


Not to be rude, but ive stated ill be turning this from a widget into a GUI. Also, im adding new features soon, did not now because its new. They will be coming soon, thanks for the feedback!

heres a tip to not get criticized
Make the plugin properly before releasing it to devforum aka ask your family and friends to give feedback alr?

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No, the criticizations help this grow. I personally find them helpful to improve, and i appreciate your feedback. This is my First plugin ever, i know its kind of bad.

There already is a plugin called UI Tools…

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hmm strange but ok!

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Ive stated this, im aware that there is a plugin like this. yet, ive made this before that topic, (and maybe plugin) was ever published. I have no intentions of stealing.

Edit: Not trying to be rude, currently looking for good names too!

Ever heard of read before posting?


Get feedback before posting here, as your plugin looks very sloppy and rushed.


that is literally what i just said but differently

Thank you! Yes, i was thinking of putting this in Creations feedback, but i was afrad it would get flagged for being in the wrong category…should i change it and try to get feedback, first?

Yes, It won’t get flagged, anything you made can go in there.

Changed to creations feedback, thank you for reminding me. Also, yes, the UI is a bit bad. Im planning on a remake on the next update.

Update including UI improvements, bug fixes and more instances, including our new feature: UI button script adders! More info in the info tab on the update.

Update coming tomorrow at 5 PM EST or later.

read the entirety of the topic…like i said, im working with new names for the plugin.

I’m sorry for the harshness. Anyway I see your effort but maybe spend a bit more time before posting. Have a good day!

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No need to apologize, i understand your point. Thank you for your feedback!

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No problem. I wish you luck for developing this plugin/module and I bet it will be amazing soon!

I’d suggest putting the UI into a seperate roblox studio window (like how tool grip editor can fit into the edges or float around) or at least make the GUI look like Roblox’s (modern) GUIs.

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