Introducing UnreliableRemoteEvents in my game

Hey y’all! As most of you know Roblox recently added a new instance called UnreliableRemoteEvent. While I understood this can be mostly used for effects, it has left me questioning whether to use this for a feature of my game. In my game, which is a bullethell, it is important not only that players actually see the projectiles, which are visually generated on the client according to server-defined settings, but that they can see it fast in order to produce the best possible accuracy.

It is ironic that I am asking this given their name, but can I rely on them for this application?

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Yes, in a scenario where lots of individual parts are being sent/shot, especially in a ‘automatic’ rifle situation, using these events are the best choice.

I recently watched a video where he explains these events and the best way to use them, and I learnt a lot from him, especially his fire extinguisher demo.

In summary, these events are good for sending quick, fast, unsecure info to the server, some events may not fire, but you cannot determine which do or which don’t, so back to my mention of automatic rifles, where a single bullet out of what, a mag of 30, may not fire, but the player doesn’t see the misfire. I recommend watching that video to understand it’s use. :slight_smile:


Hey! Just watched the video, thank you for sharing it. It seems like it may not be a good application for thi game mechanic given the visual accuracy I want to display. This gave me som good insight of how their network protocol works, too! Have a nice day :smiley:


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