Introduction thread for new forum members

Didn’t see this thread, been posting for a while now but better late than never!

  1. Found Roblox in May 2021 through my little brother wanting me to play a simulator game with him.
  2. I opened up studio out of curiosity one day and threw together a free modeled mess titled ‘a weird game’, but didn’t really start actually developing until 2022 when I started making ‘Find the’ games.
  3. At the time of writing this, I’m almost at 10K total place visits, a huge goal I’ve been working toward.
  4. I do a little bit of everything, I can script okay, build and do general game design.

Happy to be here! :smiley:

I just found it randomly out of nowhere, took interest as it was incredibly fun to play and there were interesting games back then that weren’t overused. Tycoons and Simulators.

I started by downloading Roblox Studio and using random plugins to learn off from so I could improve myself overtime, I gave myself many challenges to do in order to learn off of them.

Goals are simple, fame and respect from others, have others see me as someone that they could get help from. My second goal is to gain people from Roblox to be close associates whenever I develop. Last of my goals is to gain people that know me from somewhere and follow me around as if I was a influencer.

My achievements so far is that I’ve finally made some game that has a good number of players on it. That’s it.

Modeler and Builder.

No, thank you.

Hey everyone, I’m Imminent!

I’m a soon to be multilingual versatile individual with a passion for modeling, video editing, programming, and community management. My time management skills along with effective working strategies allow me to practice these endeavors at once. About me personally, I live in the US and have a passion for games particularly ones that can be played with friends, But I also have an interest for other solo RPGs. These games include Minecraft, God of War, Among Us, Starfield nowadays and of course Roblox. I look forward to being able to connect with you people!

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Hi everyone, My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104. This is my confession.

Im currently no one here. No one knows who am i. Im pretty much no one in roblox community right now. Barely anyone knows about my existance here. Im trying my best to be funny here but sometimes devforum moderation just deletes my post. :sad: Im also trying my best to help some people in scripting section (i did that alot of times but i kinda stopped now). Im no longer helping in scripting section because it got boring right now. Of course I might come back and help some people but right now I dont feel like doing that.

Im trash at building but I know how to script in roblox luau. I dont know advanced roblox luau scripting so dont expect me to do some advanced stuff here.

I like devforum roblox staff they are most friendly people out there i ever met. Roblox should consider raising their salary like alot if possible.

Here some games that i like and play:

  • roblox
  • cs:go (now its counter-strike 2)
  • minecraft
  • gta 5
  • garrys mod
  • plants vs zombies
  • plants vs zombies 2

yeah and I dont play much. Video games became boring. As I mentioned below im from Poland and im Polish.

Video games became boring for me probably because i grow up honeslty I rarely turn on my computer after all of that.

sorry for bad english im polish after all and i dont know much about english language

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I have played video games for hours and after more than 5 years I got into making video games here on Roblox. I just became a member today so I can finally use the dev forum and here is what I have to say:

  1. I first found Roblox after my Youtuber cousins first played and I have been playing it ever since 2018.
  2. After 5 years, I started looking into development and it is my absolute passion and I love to make games it is the most fun thing ever.
  3. I want to make my group Legario Inc a real success and my first game after I actually knew what I was doing instead of using tons of models is Spleef Master. Once I made that I realized I could actually make games, there was no stopping me.
  4. I am an independent game developer / all-rounder and I am studying all categories.
  5. I am currently working on a game called The Defenders Of Pacifica which is an RPG / Adventure game kind of inspired by The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild. Here are a couple screen shots:

The picture above is the thumbnail but it is alpha and it will change before release.

The game’s NPCs also walk toward the player when they are within a certain radius and are going to use their sword when they are close enough to the player the game will also save the swords and location of the player. Be sure to check it out when it is done!

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Hi Everyone! I’m OffGridDude! Excited and grateful to be accepted into this great community.

How did you find Roblox?

My friends introduced me to Roblox. I was impressed at the immense work that developers put into their games/experiences. Being a musician myself, I felt they deserved more options for audio/music than stock audio. I thought that music algorithms could be used to allow game developers to create their own music, so I built, an app that creates copyright-clean, custom music (ambient, horror, chiptune, etc) for games.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

We started programming in Roblox to figure out how to code music created by Audioscape into Roblox games in the way AA and AAA games do. We took some of Roblox’s sample games (Obby, Castle) and inserted our music, experimenting with how to handle loops and crossfading. See the link below for that code.

Current goals/achievements on the platform

  1. Help Roblox developers create their own, unique, and copyright-clear music that fits their vision of their game/experience.
  2. Engage with Roblox developers to discuss the best ways to code audio into games.

What is your role in the developer community?

  1. I do product, music composition, audio signal processing and a little programming.
  2. My primary role is talking to developers and understanding what they need from audio/music, and what their biggest challenges are with getting music to work the way they want in their games.

Anything else you would like to include

I’d love to hear your feedback — positive or negative — on the Audioscape app and the music it creates. For example:

  1. If you could make your own music for your game, what kind of music would that be?
  2. How easy do you find it to add music to your game in Roblox? Both uploading new music, and using/looping stock music? What can we make easier?

Thanks very much. Looking forward to some good discussions!

Hey there, I’m actually a veteran forumer but it seems I have not replied to this topic yet, so I’ll be delighted to introduce myself.

I briefly met with Roblox in 2008 for the first time but I had only registered an account myself for the first time in 2010. So, I will begin this story with the day that I registered an account on Roblox for the first time by myself.

My story is quite thrilling as though it is from a movie. Here goes nothing:

The date is November 23rd, 2010. I had turned 8 years old about two months prior and my mother in a third trimester of pregnancy is going to give birth that day to my younger brother. As a result of the occasion, my parents decided to have me sleepover at my cousins living in the same town as us, just a five-minute drive away from our house. I was to stay for a full week at my cousins. My cousins were both males - one being older than me by two years and the other younger than me by one year. They had married parents. One worked the day and the other the night.

Now, at the time, the weather wasn’t the greatest. I recall it generally being rainy, windy and cold. It was overall dull, so it was no time to go visiting/exploring anywhere, so we were pretty much stuck at their home for the week. As you can imagine, being inside a building a whole week is no fun experience, so we had to make the best out of it. Luckily, my cousins had a Wii gaming console as well as a desktop computer that were capable of running some pretty entertaining games. And as you’d imagine, we obviously played some games on them, day and night, making the best out of our situation. Some games we played were: Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, some miniclip games, old Papa’s games, Club Penguin, Wizard 101 and also, Roblox.

Out of all of the games we played, Roblox fascinated me the most because it was three-dimensional as well as a great game aimed for kids. It just seemed fun and intriguing to my eight-year-old self. This should come as no surprise however, because, if anyone recalls the site design of the early 2010’s, you will recall that it was obviously aimed for a younger audience (consider the heading/top-site banners, membership graphics and event graphics of that time, for example). There were many entertaining experiences back then that aren’t so popular anymore but at the time were super-duper fun to play and I just wanted to continuously play them. The games weren’t the only thing attractive to me, however. The Roblox Studio software - the fact you can create those games using studio, had also fascinated me because I had never seen and used such software before. So, 4 days later on November 27th, 2010, I’d register my first account (it’s MasterSapphireFrost) with my cousin. However, the username was originally a typo of my last name as well as two random numbers at the end (Tekroglu12) so we decided to register another account that was named after my newborn brother, containing the same two random numbers at the end (serhat12). I’d use the second account as my main account up until 2015.

Shortly after registering the second account, my cousin wanted to teach me how to make games on Roblox and I was super excited about it and ready to watch and listen.

So on November 27th, 2010, my cousin opened up Studio and built a small map/scene based on descriptions I gave him. He explained how to do what he was doing as he did it. Below is the outcome:

It was the first thing I had ever developed on Roblox. Don’t ask why I made it, I don’t know what I was thinking, I think I wanted to be a supreme leader or fire lord or something, lol.

Years later, I’d begin translating, QA testing and more by learning how to develop in these fields by myself.

My ultimate goal is to someday develop an experience created by myself whether it be by doing it all myself or with a team (so imagine a popular experience with the creator saying “MasterSapphireFrost” and not some group name or other username - that’s my goal).

My achievements are listed below.

Primarily Translator & Secondarily QA Tester

A short FAQ about myself:

1. How did you get Red Banded Top Hat?

In November 2016, I was granted the RBTH item for claiming to Roblox customer service that a Roblox look-alike (“clone”/“ripoff”) had infringed Roblox’s copyrights by stealing and selling a retextured fedora mesh. I’m presuming CS was in disbelief and wanted to make sure that they understood my claim so they invited me to a Skype call where I vocally repeated my claim to another agent, presumably higher in position. I remember that day very well, as well as the name of the agent I was speaking to, but to respect their privacy, I will not name them, and I recall myself playing Lumber Tycoon 2 while on call, lol, I was addicted to it at the time. Anyway, after vocally stating the issue, the agent thanked me, and declined. Shortly after, I received an email response from CS asking me to confirm the username of the Roblox account I was using at the time and so I replied answering the question and then CS emailed me one last time notifying me that they granted the RBTH to me as well as 10 USD in Robux credit which I’d use to get a month of Turbo Builders Club.

Now, you will be curious as to why this not so known method is not mentioned on the unofficial Roblox Wiki page about the RBTH and that is because I cannot justify this claim…even though I don’t have a reason to lie about it. I do not have the email conversation between myself and Roblox saved and I need it for justification. I no longer own the email conversation because I had deleted it shortly after it finished because I don’t keep finished email conversations in my inbox and by the time the ticket ended, there were like 20-25 responses from the ticket, so I really wanted that long email conversation gone. The 20-25 responses part I just mentioned might shock you and seem a bit intimidating but it’s because CS had lots of trouble understanding what I was reporting at first (presumably from shock/disbelief as well as maybe from using international agents because a few different agents responded to the ticket).

Now if I’m correct, this method that I used is no longer valid. Not only does Roblox investigate such reports anymore but they also no longer unprofessionally communicate with customers (Roblox users) through Skype. You can test your chances though, anyway.

2. Didn’t you have more DevForum posts?

Yes, you’re correct, I had way more forum posts than right now. In the past, I flagged all of my DevForum content, requesting it to be deleted, for privacy concerns and moderators obliged by my request. Later on, my concerns were addressed and I began foruming as normal again from nothing.

I may still delete some forum posts time to time. The reason can probably be inferred.

3. How are you a DevForum Regular?

Well, I became a Regular through some abnormal conditions but don’t worry, I am intended to be Regular.

In the past, I had participated in a voluntary Roblox program which gives you the opportunity to become a Regular as a program benefit. While participating in the program, I contributed tremendously to the DevForum by publishing lots of bug report and feature request topics. Later on, as time went on, I chose to leave the program, and as per a policy of the program, I was demoted from Regular back to Member. However, one day, I approached a staff member - whose username I won’t disclose, from the forum through PMs, requesting to be invited by them to be a Regular, highlighting some of the great bug report and feature request topics I had published whilst Regular in the past, and they reviewed the sort of content I had posted in the past and decided it would be okay for me to become a Regular again, so they promoted me.

If you have further questions feel free to PM me.


Hi,I am quixxspeedzonxbx,but you can call me Quixx,Im a experienced member,I am learning coding from this amazing resource,After 210 days,I am here and able to voice my opinion,I found roblox 7 years ago from youtube,and thought it seemed cool to play,and here I am now! Hope to work with lots of you😀


Hi! I am emerald, and I am an experienced programmer.
I have done ROBLOX Luau for about 6 years now (this is my new main lol), and do other languages as well, such as Java, JavaScript, Python, C++, and C#.
I do coding as a hobby, but I also love swimming, biking, and rock climbing as well.
I hope I get to see a lot of you, and who knows, maybe Ill even work with you at some point!



I’m very excited to be on the forum! I’m very new to development (I’ve been learning for less than a month at the time of writing this), but I’m learning quickly and it’s loads of fun. I’m excited for the journey ahead and I can’t wait to see what I’ll do and who I’ll meet along the way!

I joined Roblox in December of 2016. I don’t really remember how I discovered the platform, but I believe it was through YouTube.

The beginning is a bit foggy on this one as well :sweat_smile: A few years after I joined, I downloaded Roblox Studio (can’t remember why) and played around with it. After that I made some places to show my friends, though I didn’t do much more than that. In 2020, I made four “joke” games after following some scripting tutorials online. Although they weren’t anything spectacular, I certainly enjoyed making them. Regardless, I soon forgot about these games and Studio as a whole. But I’ve recently fallen back in love with game development (programming in particular) and I’ve begun the learning process all over again.

I haven’t really achieved anything yet, and my only goal is to make games that I enjoy making (as more of a hobby than a career).

As I have a severe lack of experience, I can’t really assign myself a role :sweat_smile: However, I definitely enjoy programming more than any other aspect of game development.

Thank you so much for reading! I’m so happy to finally be here :grin:!


Hi, im Julia, studying to be a designer. I’m a completely new developer and I don’t know much, but I’ll learn over time.

I hear about Roblox for the first time relatively recently - somewhere in the middle of 2019. I was a player then.
I had heard a lot about it because of YouTube and friends, so that’s when I signed up. But my last or this account was created in 2022, where I started creating games.

I created the first game for fun, it was just a template map with some NPCs and weapons. This game was created literally on the same day as the registration of this account.
But after a little more than six months, I returned to Roblox Studio and decided to make a funny horror game.
Of course, it was better than the last one, but it still had a bad effect on the game.

I’m working on a large-scale game about a climatic zombie apocalypse(its very typical, but this game has a plot) in the world of cats. I started this game only a week ago and it’s very raw, but much better than all the games I’ve done before(I’m even a little proud of it). Anyway, I’m also going to promote my group.

As I said earlier, I am a designer and developer, and I am also an animator.

Well, I probably won’t write much on the forum, mostly just read. I wish everyone reading this good luck!!

  • How did you find Roblox?

when I was a kid, my dad made me play Roblox, but I don’t remember why.
I was playing as a guest at the time, and after a few years I made my first account, but it was hacked shortly after.

Then I made a second account in 2018, and I didn’t get hacked or lose my account, but I don’t use it much.
And this is my third account, my main account.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I don’t really remember, but I think I started learning it because it was easy and fun.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

I just want to improve my skills and make an awesome 3D platformer game.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

Programming, UI Design, Composition, Building
I’m learning a lot of different things.

  • Anything else you would like to include

heelllloo guys! My name is David,
I live in South Korea
I’m currently in middle school, and I’m 15 years old.
I’m learning to become proficient in English.

I like to play 3D platformer games like Sonic and Mario.
Most of the games I make are 3D platformers.
I hope to improve my skills and make more cool games in the future.

  1. I was an older user back in 2007, my main account is currently deleted so I’m posting on my alt. I hope it gets un-deleted soon. I came back to practice my programming and learn more.
  2. I made games when I was much younger back in 2007.
  3. My current goal is to practice designing and making AIs. I want to make an AI for ROBLOX moderation now since my original account got deleted due to a moderation mistake, even though I hope it can get un-deleted in time. I also want to make AIs for other applications, such as robots, graphics, etc.
  4. Programmer, also do some other things but mostly programmer
  5. If anyone else is interested in AI please add me. And if anyone can help me get my original account back ASAP that would also be nice even though I don’t want to spam that. I probably don’t need it that much anyway but it would be nice.

I was the person who posted this, but It was partially incorrect or outdated, so here is a more updated one

Not really, I had classmates playing roblox at 2021, and I tried it myself

Nah, I started development because my cousin made games that used toolbox models [obviously games with toolbox models suck]

The trust level is useless right now, as roblox recently introduced @AllowBugReports and @AllowFeatureRequests groups, and there is the #lounge category which is basically an category that people barely touch

Too incorrect, I am decent in Scripting and Modelling

It got scrapped unfortunately, I am working on a new fighting game which has the map based on a real place inside Dubai

I do see better content nowadays, but it will unfortunately not happen

The Crown of O’s are unobtainable as of writing [correct me if i’m wrong]

In my opinion badges are useless in roblox other than showing the game achievements

It is a very difficult job since my home country known as the United Arab Emirates [UAE] is a common example as a country where you can’t buy robux in, I did receive a gift card from Jarir Bookstore which is now going to be replaced with an Ikea store, also my highest robux was like 8192 robux if I remember correctly, and most of it comes from the gift cards I bought in america


So it’s true, didn’t know you couldn’t buy bobux :skull: :no_entry_sign: :robux_gold:


Yo! I joined Roblox in 2019 because a friend recommended it to me on Discord (I deleted it after because Roblox was better lol) and I started to build often but I can’t make any games PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE
I have made a T-Shirt named “Tee” which looks like an old Roblox logo for those who act like they still live in 2006 and I am also someone who has a bunch of alt account for dumb reasons like Guest 5273 is my best alt account
I would enjoy being a part of many thing in the community but what I don’t like is that I’m left out of many events for Roblox (like Roblox Innovation Awards 2023 I missed it because I live in Australia and not US)
I enjoy Roblox because of the games and being able to buy robux at any time
To be fair. Roblox is something that I’m glad wasted my iCloud storage!


Hello! I’m 0414_Sara. I make games as a hobby, and I’m still studying and learning for developing (programming, building, UI and else).
Actually, it’s been a while since I used Devforum, but I didn’t know there was this post.
Anyway if you read this, I hope you have a good day :>


A bit late to my intro. So hello!

I am TehReal1ced. A clothing designer (who occasionally makes clothes from time to time) and casual Roblox player. I cannot wait to see what fellow developers come up with. :slight_smile:

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wow! nice to meet you wiggle i hope you are ok,you have made alot of wonderful things in your dev work!

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Hello! I am bloxflakes. I use the devforum to communicate with others and to learn for future stuff.

edit: i’m shy (kinda)