Introduction thread for new forum members

Very nice, good luck on Lua. If you stay motivated and keep going, all while trying to figure out new ideas and thinking outside the box, you will be a good programmer. Have a good day!

Welcome, iā€™m glad you can be part of this community. Good luck on programming.

Thanks for your welcoming reply, I feel much more motivated now!

Hey everyone! Iā€™m one of the new forum members, as you can probably tell, anyways, here is what you need to know about me!

I first found ROBLOX through my friends, they recommended the platform to me quite a while ago, and Iā€™ve been on ROBLOX for 3-4 years with other accounts, it has honestly been so fun. I started playing games before I developed, but thatā€™s when I met some games that were more stricter, like Hotels and such, I gave it a try and now I love to work in groups for management. I now make bots that can perform actions to ROBLOX - Web Developer.

Anyways, thatā€™s all for now! See you all around one day.

Hi, I want to say that I have the most pleasant experience to become a new member of the ROBLOX Developer Forum.
My name is Martqin_M, you can call me Martin. I am 16 years old who is interesting on becoming a popular programmer, and also a good creator GUIs. I found ROBLOX game when I was on holiday in Slovakia 2-3 years ago.
I started developing this summer so I am still not well experienced, but I know some basics.
I would like to thank you for taking me apart with some cool people, and I hope I will see someone in our project very soon. :slight_smile:

PS: I hope that I will get a book about some scripting in LUA in ROBLOX. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello there, my name is supermok.
1. How did you find Roblox?
Though I do not know exactly how I found Roblox, I believe that I have found Roblox through the means of other people talking about their experiences with Roblox, which led me to try it.
2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
After realizing the potential through playing other Roblox games, I felt inspired to try and create my own creations for others, and myself, to play and bring an enjoyable experience towards the player.
3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
I would consider my goal currently would be to create an enjoyable experience for parkour based challenges which would be fun for the main community of Roblox, and even people at a higher level, similar to how Tower of Hell is playable for both people looking for a fun experience and more experienced players looking for something which will challenge their abilities.
4. What is your role in the developer community?
I would say Game Designer, as creating something in which many people can enjoy through the means of games is what I attempt to do when developing in Roblox Studio.

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Iā€™m sasial, and today is actually my 1 year anniversary on the dev forum. (:
I joined Roblox about 2.5 years ago not knowing what it was. After a few days, I just left the account.
I started coding later on in Small Basic, and I got really interested in coding. But after going back to Roblox, I had a completely different mindset; and scripting looked hardā€¦
At the moment, Iā€™m good at scripting. And I enjoy being on the dev forum.
Currently, I am working with @xJxck_yy to create a Cafe System, similar but different to @wind_oā€™s CheckMeIn.
PS: I get this little :cake: today. (:

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I found Roblox in 2012 when searching ā€œfun free gamesā€ on the internet. I still visit the site everyday since. Iā€™m now a gun modeler and also aspiring to be a successful programmer.

Hey All,
My name is Addictedroblox1414, i found Roblox I believe it was through an ad at a gaming site, canā€™t remember exactly as this was almost 10 years (?!) ago. I started development in Roblox pretty much months after I started playing on the platform, but then really got into it as I learned programming languages outside of Roblox. I currently just want to really complete a game that I would play myself. In the community I am a Scripter, not the best but experienced. I am also known as Mawesome4ever on other platforms.

Hello, Iā€™m PumpkingRealm, a modeler. Iā€™m quite excited to finally be a part of roblox dev forum.
I found Roblox when I saw some people playing it back in 2015-ish and thought I might give it a try. I began developing when I got interested in game development, I started as a Roblox builder then slowly moved to 3rd part platform such as maya and blender.
Iā€™m looking forward to participating and interacting with other developers :slightly_smiling_face:

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Iā€™m pretty new to the DevForum (in terms of membership), and Iā€™m glad to have finally joined. I originally found my way onto Roblox through an advertisement in early 2014, leading me to where I am now.

My way onto development is an interesting story; long story short, I had an old laptop I used to use thatā€™s now overloaded with junkware, etc., leading me to move to a desktop computer from 2016 that I still use today.

An achievement Iā€™m personally proud of is making good use of TweenService and memorizing the order in which TweenInfo and TweenServiceā€™s parameters go inā€¦ but Iā€™ve also working on a test power core inspired by the likes of Pinewood Computer Core and Quantum Science Energy Research Facility, as well as major inspiration from fusion reactors, and heavy inspiration from the original Arc Reactor in the first Iron Man film. (i, uh, kinda like marvel movies) I personally like games by the sci-fi community (thatā€™s what members of QS and PB call it, as well as other main players like Innovation Inc.) very much, and I know a lot of people do, too.

Iā€™m mainly a programmer, but Iā€™ve been improving my design skills lately, which is making me pretty happy.

To have gotten to where I am today, a minor developer on the dev forum, I thought I would never accomplish when I first joined Robloxā€¦ but here I am today. Five years strong on Roblox and powering through.


1. How did you find Roblox?

Iā€™ve found ROBLOX by one of my friends. Iā€™ve started playing ROBLOX since 2009 as a guest until 2016, on 2016 Iā€™ve created my first account: xLinkTijgerYT!
And later on, on 2017 Iā€™ve created my second account and my most used account: DeRobloxMeneer. Iā€™ve completed all events on that account EXCEPT for egg hunt 2017.

2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I got started with development by all of those awesome creations on ROBLOX! One of my inspirations is @TheShipArchitect. He has inspired me to make many 3D Models and is now inspiring me to make my FIRST official showcase!

3. Current goals/achievements on the platform

Current goals I have is: Get 1 million visits. (total)! , Learn how to make a Smooth
Game Teleport Screen.

Current achievements I have is: Getting in the dev forum just now :tongue: ! , having over 150k robux in total! , Having OVER 4k followers and 2,472 friend requests. And at last: having 4,583 total game visits!

4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

My role on the developer community would be GFX, Builder and Programmer as I do all of those but the one I would love at most would be UI Designer because thats what I do everyday, I build and get inspired by you all! <3

5. Anything else you would like to include

I would love to improve my 3D Modelling skills and might start a internship course in the summer at ROBLOX Headquarters!

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Welcome to the community! Glad to have another GFX Designer :wink:

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Glad to have you here too! You are also one of my favorite people here! <3

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Hi, there!

Iā€™m new here and Iā€™d just like to say how very excited I am to have the opportunity to interact with such an inspiring community. I joined Roblox because of a friend a few years ago. My delevoping journey started when I was just messing around in studio. I didnā€™t know what I was doing, but eventually, through tutorials, I started figuring things out. My goals at this point in time are just to establish a good profile and try to build a reputation for my self on the forums. I usually regard myself as more of a builder, but Iā€™m also a confident scripter in certain areas. Thanks for reading, and I hope Iā€™ll get to know some of you down the track.


Welcome to the club @bestw9
Hope you have fun in the Developer Community! :wink:

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Hello! Iā€™m kinda new here, and I forgot to introduce myself, so iā€™m doing it now!

  1. I have no idea, I forgot since I joined in 2014. (5 years ago!)
  2. I just discovered Roblox Studio, in 2014-2016.
  3. None yet, Iā€™m hoping to make a successful game!
  4. Still none yetā€¦
  5. Iā€™m just a regular game developer, with some REALLY bad games. Also, I have a game dev as a friend! Pretty cool, if you ask me. (Fun fact: My username doesnā€™t have any vowels in!)

Have a nice day!

Hey everyone! Iā€™m tudor44, Iā€™m 16 and living in Romania and I started playing roblox back in 2012 after my cousins showed me the game! In the past few years Iā€™ve been improving my building skills and one goal I have is to be part of a team that created a game on the platform, itā€™s been a dream of mine to create a game!

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Hello, my name is Connor, aka concon98765. I first started roblox back in 2009, got very confused at what the game was, and finally came back to make this account in 2010. I have been interested in development for a long time now on roblox, doing things like building some fun custom games, and making some Art as well, but have never found success in coding, my one weak point on roblox.
As of now my current goal, and ultimate goal is to gather a small group of people, mainly focusing on the scripters, to create a game i have been fantasizing about for the past 6 months. Hopefully this site will give me that reach to find the devs i need to make a great game!
My main role is a GFX artist, with proficiency in building, UI design and animation, as well a decent abount of knowledge of Blender 3D modeling, which is a pretty important skill for roblox lately. But overall the main work i do for roblox and other mediums is GFX design.
I look forward to hopefully building a wonderful game and finding some great devs to help me along the way!

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Hey guys, I joined roblox around seven years ago now, god I feel old, and started by just experimenting with the, at that point, very clunky and simplistic roblox Studio not expecting to do much development-wise. But After having left roblox for a few years I finally returned with an interest in game development having experimented on other platforms including game maker engine and GameSalad and with other scripting languages primarily Python.

I started to experiment once again with Roblox Studio finding to be a massive step up and was incredibly impressed, I started to build up my skills and two years later Iā€™m a professional developer with A in Computer science undertaking a games design and development course at a top college.

Iā€™m primarily a scripter as thatā€™s really what interests me but I enjoy modelling in Blender and testing out every new roblox update as well as working in teams on games and helping others solve their scripting bugs.

  1. Anything else you would like to include

Iā€™m just really glad I stumbled across the platform and excited for the future.

(I was kindly accepted onto the dev forum a few weeks ago but only just got around to give an introduction, apologies.)