Hello, my name is pxych!
I’m a self-taught programmer still working my way around Lua and its capabilities.
I currently work for a game called “Emote Dances” as a Programmer.
I found ROBLOX about 5 years ago after getting my first laptop - I had heard a lot about the platform from YouTube and other social platforms, so I thought I’d take a look at it.
I first got started with development basically out of hobbies - I had always wanted to get into programming but didn’t really know how to start. Around the end of November, I finally started working my way through Lua as a language and learned how it interacted with ROBLOX. Now, I’m enhancing my skills slowly and making implementations for the game I work for here and there.
Overall, I aim to skyrocket my programming skills! I’d like to see it as a future career, as I will soon be studying in Computer Science as a major subject, so I see it as a benefit to get in early and learn as much as I can.
Hello, my name is Radivn also known as Mike. I joined roblox in late 2009 from some ad in a flash game site and i ended up in Roblox and i’m still here.
I started making games right when i joined, first i played other peoples game and then after that i started to make my own.
My current goal right now is only assist my friends and people i know about their games, i also create safe models for people who need to create their game but they are also too afraid to use some random people’s model.
I’ve been a Builder since start, i have created few games mostly with power of build and also a bit of scripts ( because i’m not great at making & using scripts ).
I would rather to call myself a (( Builder )), because most of my skills come from that way.
I also want to include, i wanted to search for a community to trust and talk with, and i found DevForum. I’m really happy to be at such a community like this.
1. How did you find Roblox?
I discovered Roblox sometime in the early 2010s but did not join until Spring 2016. 2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
By messing around with free models, of course! I remember making a crude zombie attack game in my first few months of playing. Strange times. 3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
I am working to increase the size and strength of my group. 4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I am a group owner and builder, although I haven’t made anything too special. 5. Anything else you would like to include
I used to heavily use the now-deleted roblox forums, racking up nearly 6,000 posts! (when are they coming back as promised?)
1. How did I find Roblox?
I had found out about it in 2009 and made multiple accounts starting in 2010 I believe. 2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started to look at games and just discovered the Roblox Studio. I messed around with free models and started to get more serious and serious about it. I started to make my own designs. 3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
To get a good amount of play visits and group members. 4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I am a game designer and builder.
A kid I know introduced me to Roblox. What do I know???
That kid wanted a programmer, so I volunteered. Turns out its got more to it than it first seems.
We started a game. It ended up being a playable mess. So, we are off to our next try.
We are working to release our first game.
I will be scripting for the SteamBuilders Group
Hey , I am leesu , in whole my adventure to become a member of shiguto and now I just become a great roblox devformus member I hope I can even further.
How did you find roblox
When I was 7 , I watch video and see strange characters , they make me wonder its a good game , the answer its yes
How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
So about that , I got interesting about showcase and maybe more good stuff on roblox ,so I plan up to make my own showcase
Current goals/achievements on the platform
My goal its become great member on roblox devformu and shiguto and make a good for everyone can play it
What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I am a builder , I can do a lot japanese , cyberpunk and more build on game platform , my skill on studio about 2 years and I did a lot great job on roblox
First of all, it is a pleasure to be accepted on this Forum as a Member.
I found roblox several years ago, I really like the concept, which is unprecedented.
For the moment, my goals are simple, create a game (of a small scale) and release it.
My role, is developer, although I do a little bit of everything, because I have no knowledge that Build, etc… I have some base in C# and C++, and also in Lua at the same time…
I hope to continue to have a passion for programming for a long time to come. Anyway, for the moment I’m passionate about it.
Hey! I am so very grateful to be in developer forums, it is truly a honor.
I’m synpletic, I have been with ROBLOX for about 7 years now. I was introduced to it as a game just to hang out in and fool around with my friends. I then began to learn building, and it really took off from there. I currently am looking to make a successful game and hit somewhere in the ROBLOX community. My role in the developer community is builder, but I plan on expanding and learning more further on into the future.
Once again, I want to say thank you.
So thank you,
I found Roblox about four years ago, and a year after that i started to building some stuff in Roblox Studio by myself.
Additionally, my current goals on the platform is to improve my buliding skill. Moreover, I also try to learning coding too, so I think that I’m a builder now, and I wish I would be a programmer in the one day too.
Hi, I’m Stewieb41 (I hope I can change that at some point , same name I’ve had since I first created the account), and I’m glad to be here!
1. How did you find Roblox?
I found Roblox over 10 years ago! I know, I’m old. I can’t remember the exact way I found it, but I think I was just a curious child and loved messing around on all the games back then as a guest (that makes me sound even older). Eventually, I persuaded my parents to let me create an account, and here I am today! It’s been a journey to say the least, but a great one. It’s been fun to see the platform change as much as it has.
2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I’ve always been interested in creating things, and when I first found Roblox Studio I was beyond confused. But, I gradually taught myself things here and there, got myself watching some tutorials, and grew to really enjoy building things. I’m not great at it, I mostly do it just for fun and to test my own skills. But, then I started getting to know Blender and beginning to dabble in creating GFX, and art. I love it, because you’re constantly learning and always meeting talented people who’re creating such awesome things.
3. Current goals/achievements on the platform?
Hopefully to do more GFX stuff, whether it’s for fun or to help some people out! Improve my building skills, and perhaps build something in the future. Maybe brush up on my computer science skills and re-learn coding. It’s always been difficult for me.
4. What is your role in the developer community?
Right now, I’d consider myself a GFX creator/Artist. It’s what I’ve been doing the most recently, and I’m really enjoying it.
5. Anything else you would like to include?
I’m always up for meeting new people and learning new things, despite me being a little on the shy/anxious side. I’m excited to see where this journey into Roblox development takes me, and most of all I’m looking forward to learning some new skills.
I first found Roblox in 2016 and have been building since 2017. Computer design and software development caught my eye, and having a free 3D modeling program at my disposal was incredibly helpful!
I wouldn’t say I have many achievements, but I think that I’ve been working hard to make my dreams come true; I’d count that as an achievement!
My role in the community is an intermediate-advanced scripter and intermediate builder.
My goals on the forum is to help people reach their goals, just like I’m trying to reach mine.
Hey! I’m bricknemesis. I enjoy to work on small projects of my own and am constantly learning from devforum posts and the wiki. I’ve been scripting on ROBLOX since mid 2016, but I’ve been around on ROBLOX since 2011. It’s been a great journey thus far and I enjoy using Studio to put my imagination in to a physical format.
I found ROBLOX wayyyy back in 2011 when my neighbour had showed me some of the free games on offer. The first thing I did when I made my own account was went in to “Build Mode” as it was back then, and inserted free models to blow my whole game up - very creative. After I ruined my game, I eventually realized I could make my own little games for people to play on. This fascinated me.
My current goal on this site is to create a popular game with a strong community that I can communicate well with. I want to push my own limits and see what I can really do with this platform - as I learn new things every single day when coding in Studio.
On ROBLOX, I pride myself as a scripter and ameteur builder. I do all of my project work myself, so I am competent in UI design, building and thumbnails; however my main focus is scripting.
I hope for the foreseeable future on this site and Developer Forum to be constructive, productive and fun - and hope to make plenty of new friends along the way.
I found roblox back in 2014 when I was about 10 or 11 years old trying to find a new platform to play games on.
I got started with roblox development through YouTube because that was easy and free.
My goals on this platform are to create fun games that replicate what I enjoyed back in 2014 for other people, for me personally it isn’t about the money.
I don’t have an exact role since i’m a single developer for my games so I practice just about everything, although my greatest strengths evolve around coding and building.
For the future though, I would like to participate in group projects with other people since I have some pretty good skills according to others.
Hello developers! I joined roblox in 2014 when someone next to me was playing a boat building game and i asked what website that game was on. Years later, I actully learned how to develop useing roblox studio.
Halfway through last year i started to learn how to script. Im still kinda bad since im a slow learner but i have the goal of learning DataStore service. So yea, im a new person to devforum and i hope to learn new things!
Hey, I’m Mani, I’m nearly 16 years old from the UK and I’m excited to be part of the DevForum community.
I got started with development in Roblox around 3 years ago however I never made an official game I worked on. It was only recently when I got back into development and searched around for scripting tutorials and low-poly building.
I am currently working on a Simulator game and my goal is for it to be successful. After I have released my game, I will feel like I have accomplished something useful in 2020.
In the developing community, I would say my role is an Intermediate Builder and as of scripting, I am watching tutorials on youtube by @Alvin_Blox and I’m learning new crucial things to improve on my scripting abilities everyday.
Finally to end, I know it was an automatic system that welcomed me to the Forum however I would still like to say a thank you to the Roblox Staff and everyone in this forum. To me its an honour to be part of this.
Hi all, my name is Autristically (ROBLOX Username).
I joined ROBLOX since 2013 after browsing for games in google.
I make games and building and designing of my own games that will attract people to visit my place and I greatly appreciate peoples feedback so that it’ll help me learn how to become a better builder.
My current goals is to become a good programmer, so far I only know how to code using C# and C++ programming language and I barely know to code thing using ROBLOX Lua and I only know a few basic ROBLOX Lua coding, I wish someone can lecture me. So my goals is to master my Lua programming, so that I can code whatever I loves to code.
Currently I must say I’m a builder and programmer.
I’m probably a bit late at this point, but I thought I may as well do it now.
Hello! I’m Voxelinator.
I’ve been around on Roblox for quite a while, mainly under other accounts, but since 2015 I have been known as my current form, Voxelinator.
I have always had a fascination with Information Security and just the whole idea of internet based security as a whole, after seeing so many stories about cyberattacks that even government entities (such as the UK NHS downtime caused by WannaCry in 2016-2017) have to pretty much put up with as a result of using outdated software that can’t be updated too often as the infrastructure is too important to risk a large update time, in case of bricking the OS completely.
I decided to start out simple by analyzing the situations from 2015 and onwards, and since then, I have seen that FilteringEnabled has been pretty good in combating exploits, but still work to figure out a way the community can easily implement things to fully protect themselves.
That’s really all I can say about myself on Roblox, apart from the fact I can script in Lua pretty much fluently, and even know a bit of JavaScript (primarily the Node.JS framework).