Introduction thread for new forum members


  1. I found out about Roblox back in 09 through my cousin. I remember he was playing a really basic Obby and I had to give it a try. Was hooked since. (I transferred to this account in 2011 as my 09 username was not the greatest lol)
  2. I was actually exposed to scripting because of my circle of friends that chilled in script builders. I remember following my friend one time (dooglefox) and saw him creating such cool stuff. The sbs that I went to were billilands, antis and alakazards. Some notable people that I hung out with were antib00mzor, xsoulsteal and fenrier (creator of strife). Though Iā€™ve been coding since for 3 years (stopped for a bit), Iā€™m still nowhere near their scripting prowess (including dooglefox), which just motivates me to keep learning, but I suck at math :frowning: . I also furthered my knowledge by being active in the subforum scripting helpers. #RipForums
  3. To revamp some scripts that I made and finally FINISH a game.
  4. Programmer and builder, though I am getting into 3d modeling as I will be needing it for an upcoming project.
  5. Nah, I hope someone finds this interesting :slight_smile:
  1. You-tube
  2. You-tube
  3. Make a successful game
  4. Director/Music Composer

Hey everyone! Iā€™m ingfure and I first got into ROBLOX from my older cousin back in 2013!
Iā€™ve been making clothes for the platform for about 5 years now. I had not realized that I was apart of something way bigger until recently! I also do GFX, UI Design and I consider myself and ok Graphic Designer (:
My current goal on this platform is to share my creativeness and help other players with what iā€™m passionate about. A current achievement is my ROBLOX group ā€˜Komerobiā€™ where I sale my clothes has been growing lately on the road to 5k members!

Thanks for reading! and it feels great to finally me apart of this!

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Hello, I am Eliyrea my name may be a little hard to pronounce so if you mess it up, Donā€™t worry about it! About 6 Years ago, I found ROBLOX thanks to a friend, I was over at their house and they showed me it, I was so intrigued by it and went home to make my very first account. I wanted to become a Developer on ROBLOX because I thought it would be so cool be a part of the Community that brings Content to this Amazing Platform. Currently, My goals and achievements are pretty straight forward, Become a Better Developer, and Release a game to the public that the Community loves! If you were Curious, I specialize in Programming and Building, Iā€™ve been Programming on ROBLOX for About 6 Years now and quite frankly I was really lost when I started, But with Practice I got a lot better and became really good. Iā€™ve been doing building for less time, 4 Years. Iā€™m not as good in Building as Iā€™d prefer to be but I definitely will get there as I continue to build for the years to come. I hope you enjoyed this little ā€œAll About Meā€ Catch ya on the Flip-Side!

Hello, am ArchitectingGuy and am new here. For me ROBLOX was a game of my childhood (for about 2-3 years but in an other account) it had many games, but then when i was playing a good made roblox game i was thinking ā€œHow do we make a game ?ā€, So i started discovering Roblox studio. I am mostly a builder (my username said it at all) but i try to learn coding, modeling and other stuff. I started creating some games.
Happy to meet you guys :smiley:

  1. I found roblox when browsing web back in 2013, under an account that i lost throught time, basically i just mashed random keys on keyboard when creating that account, then on april i created this account.
  2. My first experiments with roblox studio dated all the way to late 2013, my first attempt at game was in 2015-2016 but it was terrible and littered with free models, but few days ago i began to create my first Real project.
  3. Finish current project, then move onto another, until i hopefully can make full-blown game out of it.
  4. Builder, with a spice of GFX
  5. I aim to eventually make a name out of myself in this platform, and devforum will be an excellent help and feedback platform for me, iā€™m sure i will fit in here eventually.

Hello, Iā€™m Exgle! Iā€™ve been on ROBLOX since 2011, I was recommended the game by an old friend. Iā€™ve always had a passion for computer science, so when I discovered the possibilities of development on ROBLOX, I started working with Lua. My current goal is to consider myself an expert at programming Lua, Iā€™d say Iā€™m currently intermediate. Obviously, I specialize in programming, simply because the possibilities are endless. Iā€™ve never had too much of an imagination, so obviously building and design isnā€™t the best suit for me.

Nice to be apart of this community :slight_smile:

Hello, I am Beta, it is a great pleasure to be accepted into the Roblox Developer Forum as a Member, thank you!
I found Roblox through a YouTuber playing Jailbreak, and soon after I started playing, I realized that it was made by a Roblox player themselves. I went to search further only to find out that every player upon signing up is given their own game, so I went and searched on YouTube and Google; I have always had a passion for programming, so I decided to be a programmer in Roblox and to start making games. As of today, I have made 2 games, none of which have been the most successful, but I do plan to continue trying. As I said before, I am a programmer, I taught myself the majority of what I know today by breaking down otherā€™s creations and understanding the code bit by bit, I grew a major passion for it and wanted to use it in making games for this platform to further improve my knowledge. To this day, I have gotten so much better and if I look back to 2 years ago, I cannot believe how much I have improved.
Thank you so much for reading my introduction, hope you have a great day!

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1. How did you find Roblox?

When I was a child, I first saw the platform from other YouTubers. Specifically ā€œEGTVā€ in 2015. I decided to join the fun in 2016, where I first played Work at a Pizza Place on my tablet.

2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

A couple years after I joined, I was able to access Roblox on a PC. I had many game inspirations and ideas, jotted down in numerous notebooks. I would ask friends to join me in building games, testing them, playing them, etc. None of the games ever got half-way through development, and I eventually gave up for a few years. but I wouldnā€™t change that with all the fun I had.
More recently, I had decided to get back into developing for communities, and so for Iā€™ve been doing fairly well; recently making a first paid build.

3. Current goals/achievements on the platform

My current goal is to properly learn to script Lua. If I am able to script Lua, there is a chance I could start my own game & community independently with my own ideas and funding.

4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

My primary role is a building developer, though I have some small experience in other areas such as programming Lua, modelling in Blender, creating graphics and playing around with sound.

5. Anything else you would like to include

Roblox took a good chunk of my life, and though there are some views that hate on the platform, I couldnā€™t love it more for what it had given me. :roblox_light:

Hey Beta! Welcome to the Roblox DevForum! I remember you from CrashNation! -Jasperthepoliceman

Hi! Iā€™m salmonbear242. I canā€™t wait to contribute to the devfourms and to use this as a resource in my growth here on the platform. Since beginning my ROBLOX journey in 2012 tillā€™ now Iā€™ve always wanted to try creating and building something of my own and this is one of the websites best suited to help me achieve that. Nice to be here :grey_exclamation:

Hello, my name is Shane. I found Roblox as a bored 8-year-old in the summer of 2011 and began learning to script 3 years later with the help of my older brother. I have since then been pursuing programming as a hobby.

Currently, my sole project is Mining Tycoon Revival. Many older players likely remember Defaultioā€™s Mining Tycoon, a game which unforunately stopped working with the removal of Experimental Mode. Because this game holds nostalgia value to my childhood, I readapted it to work with the client/server model. My goal is to finish adding additional content requested by a majority of the projectā€™s followers.

As far as anything else Iā€™d like to include goes, I am happy to be here and I am eager to continue learning about the platformā€™s capabilties. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve been on the DevForum for quite a bit now, but I decided Iā€™d give a reply to this topic.

On Roblox I go by the alias EmojiVIP, but my first name was Jordie6006 when I created my account in 2011, while I was 10, but I also found a very old account I forgot about when I requested a username reminder, which I made in January 2009. I actually found Roblox because of an online friend from Xbox (in around 2009), who I also had added on Skype and normally talked to, and while he was screen sharing Roblox I was wondering what game it was as it seemed quite fun, so I decided to make an account and try it out for myself and instantly fell in love with the platform

I first started development by making a very bad quality game in 2011, lol. I threw together some free models, a spawn, and done, so one of my first games ā€œskydive (insert absurd number here) studs to winners!ā€ existed. I kept doing so and made games with free models and horrendous builds such as a cart ride game I made, until I decided I wanted to learn how to actually make a game, I wanted to be the one that makes the game function and work, not someone who can just insert models into a game and hope it gets noticed. I wanted to make a cafe, so I got a builder and made one around 2013-2014 Iā€™d say, when BC only games had existed. At first, I had no idea what the heck I was doing in terms of scripting. I tried using the wiki for reference but I had many errors in my code, so I got help from the Roblox Forums (when they existed). After that it was pretty much straight forward, I started scripting by little amounts and getting help when needed, and my work started to pay off as it usually got near the front page of the BC only games (but doesnā€™t compare to the front page of normal games), but it was still something I was proud of, especially when NobleDragon popped into the game unexpectedly, since he loves his coffee very much.

I wouldnā€™t say I have too many achievements on the platform, because I am very dedicated at what I do and enjoy what I am doing so I donā€™t really think too much of it. I guess my only achievement is that I have learned scripting. At first I had no idea what I was doing, but with dedication and practice, you can put your mind to anything and accomplish it, especially since I am happy with programming, thatā€™s when I decided what type of job I wanted, I like to be able to be the one who makes certain things function and work the way they do.

My role inside of the community is a Programmer. At first I wanted to make my own games, but since around 2018 when I learned more about scripting using the Roblox Wiki and the examples on it, I decided to become a freelance programmer and now I typically work for other developers who hire me, although I do work on my own games as well.

Thatā€™s my ā€˜shortā€™ story on how I found out about Roblox, a tiny insight as to who I am and what I strive for. The Roblox community is quite nice and I am glad that I have found out about the game when I did, as I went from being a gamer to a programmer and actually being able to make income from the platform that I grew up with as a kid.


Hola :sunglasses: I generally just make games, but I also do graphic design.

Hello everyone!
Iā€™m Vatikya, though I often just go by Vati

I discovered Roblox back in 2014 when some friends of mine introduced me to it
A couple months later I found myself opening Roblox Studio for the first time simply because I was bored at the time and couldnā€™t find a game that kept my interest for long

I hope to eventually bring my niche interests in games to a larger audience on Roblox through my projects and eventually settle on a group or game that I really think could have some longevity
As a developer I already have a couple years of building experience under my belt, but recently Iā€™ve been shifting more towards programming and UI design

I am a devforum member, thank you all for the amazing topics.

Heya, Iā€™m Super. Iā€™m new in this area.

I originally found Roblox via a friend I had known for a couple of years. When he introduced me we decided to create a cafe group. Currently I am working on an RP City as a build. I mostly build however sometimes I do script but I am yet to learn lua fully.

Hello Iā€™m Alex or AlexBuilda as known on twitter I been using this website a lot to find problems and fixes of my scripts and Iā€™m happy to be a member of this community I code in Lua JS and for Arduino
Hope u have a good day


Hello everyone Sephorothy here,

I found my way onto Roblox via my younger brother and have come to love the platform! My development goals began when I saw a desire to remix/redevelop a popular anime fighting game. As of now this is my only project than the focus of my efforts. As a current Computer Science Undergraduate Student I have focused my skills in the classroom onto my development goals to become an intermediate program. I look forward to growing from my interactions with the Devforum?

Sup my dudes, I am JackADevil aka Jack.
So I found Roblox in 2016 when TDM started to post it for his youtube videos so I decided to check it out.
I started off developing games on scratch, mostly making these ā€œcollab battleā€ projects however eventually everyone started ignoring me there so I decided to learn how to dev on roblox studio.
My current goals are to program this monster thing with IK legs and also to make a script for walking sounds. Iā€™m also trying to do some building.
The role I mainly take is programmer as thatā€™s what I am best at,

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