Introduction thread for new forum members

  1. I discovered Roblox in like, 2015 because it was the hot new trend.

  2. I actually discovered Studio by accident, and it blew my little mind. I played around with free models before trying to make stuff by myself. It didn’t go well. A few years later, a few months ago, I tried again, and I haven’t stopped trying.

  3. My goal is to eventually win a Bloxy, probably for building something really nifty.

  4. I build, I do a touch of programming, and I handle a few behind-the-scenes aspect of my two-man studio like writing plotlines and all that jazz.

  5. I’m working on a novel! I don’t know when I’ll be ready to publish, it’s a long road ahead of me, and I recently restarted the whole thing (I was somewhere around the 60,000 word mark, started from scratch) because I didn’t like how it was going, the story got too confusing and it generally wasn’t fun to read or write it anymore.

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Hello! I’m new and it’s awesome to be in the Forum. I’m XZ67777, otherwise known as just XZ. I found Roblox in 2015 when a friend suggested I try it.

I got into developing when I found interest in programming in 2017, however I only joined recently as I didn’t know this site existed until a few months ago in April.

My goals are to expand my knowledge as a programmer and to learn from others, possibly helping other people on the way. I also want to make some successful games that will hopefully get lots of players.

I’m currently working on a FPS/TPS parkour shooter. So, I’m a programmer/game designer. I also have some experience with graphic design and 3D modeling.

I guess that’s pretty much it.

Hi, I’m not exactly new (been here for like a few months? No clue actually.) but I never posted in this.
I’m human (I never capitalize the h and I’m not going to start now,) / Rue. (Or if for some reason you want to call me it, I’ve gone by Sammy on some places on the internet for some reason I do not remember at this point.)

  • I joined ROBLOX in 2017 and don’t remember how I found the game since my memory is horrible and that was quite a while ago, somehow managed to lose my original account after like three months (I don’t remember how,) and then made this account when I couldn’t log back in.
  • I think the time I actually first used ROBLOX Studio was like two years ago? Wanted to make things. Did not know how. Used purely free models. Started using ROBLOX Studio again this year because why not. All previous projects / things I’ve made have been deleted because I didn’t remember why I even made them.
  • I want to finish something. That’s all I want to do, actually. Just finish a project because I nearly never actually finish what I start.
  • I build stuff sometimes. So builder I guess?
  • I’d like to include that my pronouns are they/them/theirs and purple is my favorite color. Also, my timezone is PST/PDT. It changes I think, but as far as I know I’m currently in Pacific Daylight Time when I’m writing this. Also, I’m literally never serious for the most part. I just wanted to pretend to be serious for five seconds while writing this because otherwise the spelling would be horrible, the grammar would be too, and this probably wouldn’t make any sense.

-human :wave:

hopefully this is what i was supposed to do!! i dont know if i messed up or anything, please tell me if i did.

Hello guys! i finally became a member :grinning:
I am a really small talented builder who likes to make simple exploration games and other random stuff,…i don’t know what else to say soo, HI :grin:

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  1. I Saw a video of DanTDM playing youtuber tycoon and i was interested in that for some reason lol
  2. I played some really old meme games, i saw a game about shrek and wanted to make one too. But of course 12 year old me didn’t actually build anything, it was all just toolbox models wich caused my game to crash due too spread scripts. Flash foreward a few years later and i started to finally create an original meme game
  3. I really want to be a pro modeler in blender and wish to design hats on roblox one day
  4. I am a builder, i am still learning though
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Hey boys! My name is Andrey and im manager of BlxChillStudios =) This forum so amazing, finally i am member :slight_smile: Will look for builders, programmers and modelers for our upcoming project !

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Hello :raised_back_of_hand:! It’s me galaxyblazing, a new developer in the forums, and on Roblox itself. I am deeply honored to be accepted into the Developer Forums and am excited to join the Community and help it out! I tend to look at forums on how I can improve my skills! That is me in a nutshell, Bye!

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I’m Sigi_20, just accepted into the Developer Forum and looking forward in making more games in this community!

Here is a little story about me when I just started Roblox:

Back at primary school in begin 2018, the teachers introduced computers. (Yes, they where very late with it.) This was my first time actually using an PC by myslef. Not very much later some kids downloaded Roblox, They asked me to try Roblox so I did. So the first game I played was Jailbreak, I had fun with it so I created my own account, Using the Blonde Spiked Hair I almost looked the same in real life! My second game was Robloxian Highschool 2 at the Zapline update, I played that with my classmates because the gliders where so epic. Yes, as you can hear it was really fun back then and it still is. My little brother created an account too and together we played jailbreak together. :slight_smile: we played that untill 2019 when I got my first robux. My parents where very okay with it and they loved how me and my brother had fun together. After I got robux (april 2019) I joined a group called Innovation Security lead by Madattak and Rolijok. I met many people back then while we where only complaining about not ranking up. There was a sword arena, that was my first experience with swords. I bacame pretty good at it and people where even asking themselves how I got skill on a tablet.

After many groups later I finnaly got a PC! :smiley: That was a few months ago in July 2020. I already knew about Roblox Studio but was upset about the fact it was PC only, so the first thing I did was opening Roblox Studio and creating my own games. I was really bad at it but realized that some games used a LOT of free models and are on the front page and I’m still wondering how. Okay lets get back to myself: I created a Sword Fighting Game in the classic Roblox style (2006/2008) I asked my friends to play it so they can give some feedback. I never really got proper feedback but they just said it was a good game so I’m okay with that!

Lets head to goal and achievements:

  • I made robux without spending money.
  • I made a game that is not bad and people like it! :smile:
  • I learned how to use properly Roblox studio and making games on it.
  • My mom and dad are finaly not complaining about “Go outside” Once they see me building games.

My role in the Developer Community is: Game Designers. Becuase I don’t make big games yet. I make small games so you can play a simple game without many scripts. In the time I make them I learn scripting, once I can script I really want to make a game that has very good quality and is daily played by people.

So this was my introduction message, I’m really looking forward to learn a lot more in this community and make games for our fellow Roblox players. Have a fantastic day! :sunglasses: :partying_face:

  • Sigi_20
How did you find Roblox?

Through my daughter who loves the platform

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

Because my daughter told me about Roblox Studio and having been a professional (not gaming) developer for 25 years I was interested

Current goals/achievements on the platform

I want to develop entertaining games and also hope to use Roblox as an educational tool and share my knowledge

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

GFX and Programmer with some UI Design


Welcome, I hope you enjoy your time as a developer :smiley:

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I’m ChaoticAberration, as the name suggests, I started playing roblox a few years ago and was interested in creating some things instead of just playing. So I started to watch video tutorials and I checked out the dev forum to get better at this. My role is builder. I hope to learn more and get more skilled at this.

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Hello! My name is driftindown and I will introduce myself.
I found Roblox through a friend a couple years ago. I got started in developing and specifically building when I found a obstacle course game. After playing for a while I learned that you could create a obstacle course designed like the ones in the game with a special kit. My current goal is to get a obstacle course I created into the same game that introduced me to building. My role in the developer community is building. I build for. for Brads Difficulty Chart Obby, a popular Pro-Obby game with over half a million visits.

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  1. I found roblox approximately 9 years ago when I was bored on my parent’s computer and wanted to play a game.
  2. I started development because I have always wanted to make a game I would want to play myself.
  3. Make a good game that people enjoy.
  4. All.
  5. I make discord bots too.

I found it a while ago, can’t remember how.
Just randomly decided it would be fun, I think i tried out f3x a bit.
To just get good at animation.

  1. When I was young, my dad showed me the game, and I started playing it.

  2. I started with my first game being “Shaggy soda test” (When I got my first pc!) Where it was a poorly built game with a little shack. You spawned in with a shaggy cola and you just drank it, I guess. (Shaggy drink came from youtuber roscripts) After that, I made multiple games where I experimented and started learning about development. I watched youtube videos from Roblox about developing, messed around with the stuff there, starting experimenting more and more with scripting, and couple years later, here I am now.

  • Making DataStores
  • Proper API
  • Decent gun scripts (raycasting)
  1. Programmer.

I am very pleased to finally become a member of the Roblox developer forum. I found out about Roblox from my young son who plays it a lot. I really enjoy programming and I recognised that despite the blocky graphics Roblox is a great gaming platform. What Roblox has over other gaming platforms is it ability to make games that involve real people. It is really simple to make a game that allows people to play to together in an environment and playing a game with other people generally makes for a more enjoyable game. When you kill someone in Big Paintball for example you know that they are just as angry as when you get killed by them.
I started making simple things with Roblox and I watched a few YouTube tutorials, notably Alvinblox and TheDevKing and then I started making my first proper game: Club Football Club Football - Roblox

As a lone developer, I am doing everything myself but using the resources that the Roblox community bestows on its members and now joining the Roblox developer community will hopefully provide a lot of solutions when I get stuck.

Hey there! I’m Ariveua (Nova)
I joined on my old account c1oudytea in 2015, but I started as a guest in 2009 - 2012! Unfortunately after that period, I took a short break because of school. But now, I’m back and as active as ever!
I’ve been developing for a few years now, but mostly in F3X games, so I have not saved much of my work. Fortunately, I’m working on more builds now for my portfolio! Building is one of my favourite hobbies, which is why I’ve decided to focus on it more. I specialize in exteriors and interiors, but I’m trying to put more emphasis on maps.
Some things about me personally are that I’m from Canada and I love the color purple! Some of my favourite artists is Cage the Elephant and Khai Dreams.
Thank you so much for accepting me, I’m looking forward to being a part of this awesome community!

Hey, I’m IBuildSolo. I live in the Eastern United States, I am a builder on Roblox studio. Been trying to push out as many games as possible onto the platform. I’m young and still learning hope that gets me somewhere.

Hey, I’m Eliteplaiz. I am a new member to the Developer Community. I would just like to formally introduce myself to the community! I mainly am a programmer and GUI designer. I strongly enjoy both, I also really enjoy modelling and building. If you have any questions or want to talk just message me on DevForum @Eliteplaiz or via Roblox messages.

I found Roblox in 2015 using guest accounts and loggin out the next day and logging back in the next week or so.

I got started with development on Roblox when I made my account. I wanted to begin developing because I thought it would be cool to make my own game.

My current achievements on the platform are 2000 visits and learned to model.
My current goals are to reach 4000 visits and learn to script.

My role in the developing community is modeling (with parts)
However I do know how to build with parts.