Introduction thread for new forum members

Behold greatness, mortals! (Just kidding. lol)

I’m Valzentia, shortened to Val (not Valz), but you can just call me Sarah. I discovered Roblox in 2009 when a friend introduced me to it, and i’ve been in love since outside of periods of inactivity when i’m preoccupied with something else. I’ve seen the platform grown immensely and it really amazes me.

I do music and programming. I also build, but I don’t think i’m as good at building as I am at scripting and composing (and i’m pessimistic about my scripting skills too). I’m excited to finally be on the DevForum, though :slight_smile:

Nice to meet all of you!


Hey there!
Frankly, I have no idea why am I writing this now because I’ve been a “New Member” for years but I never bothered reading the message I got upon becoming one.
My name is Hristo and I discovered roblox when I was 7 looking for beyblade games, lol. Started playing around in studio about a year or two later, initially only building things with basic parts, but later learned to animate, 3D model, and finally to script when I was around 10. Over the years I’ve worked on lots of projects, only a few of which are finished. Currently, I no longer develop roblox games but thanks to Roblox I, now a 20-year-old, study computer science. I probably wouldn’t have discovered my passion for this field if it wasn’t for this platform. Recently I also discovered that I enjoy competitive programming and also regret not starting on that earlier. I do recommend for people who are new to scripting to check out IOI or ICPC once they gain more experience, to at least not have the same regrets as me later on, the game of competitive programming is eye-opening and makes you significantly better at problem-solving, not to mention it’s also incredibly useful for job interviews. So… that’s what I currently work on – improving my competitive programming skills.
As a developer I can build, script, animate, 3D model, design user interface, draw, etc. Making roblox games isn’t all that complex of a process and I’ve been doing it for long enough to learn plenty of things, but it is, unfortunately, very time-consuming when you do it alone. I would certainly recommend finding a friend or two to work with even if they’re not as experienced as you are (they’ll get better if they like it).
Those are my recommendations for those who are new, not that anybody is gonna read alat when there are over 6000 messages to read, haha. I just thought it’d be nice to write that in the end of a year and a chapter of my life. Happy developing!


Hi im Feonixid

I discovered Roblox 3 years ago from my little brother which begged me to play with him(i am not old at all i am 14 i just had a thing for chemistry so i didnt bother with roblox back then) and i found a passion for creating stuff on Roblox.I started developing late September of 2024 but didn’t join a group until late October.I am primary a builder but when a developer in the group i work in wants help i help them in any way i can which leads me to learning new stuff about different aspects of building a game like vfx graphics design or scripting.But i had very experienced developers in the group who learned me everything but they are now retired because they got jobs relating computer science but we still keep in touch.

It has been a really fun year with me juggling work high school chemistry and experimenting with stuff on roblox studio.I hope is the case for all my developing years and i hope to you all to have a happy year.

Hello, I’m Mr_Goober (I go by a lot of names) New to Dev Forums and just joined. But I’ve been playing Roblox for almost 10 years!
I found Roblox way back around 2017, I was young watching YouTube on the Kindle I was gifted on my birthday, I Really liked Roblox videos made by YouTube (fgtv,popularmmos, and more, I just forgot the names) so I got it. It was so fun playing Roblox tycoons, that I would not come back to Roblox till a few years later. I would later start making games for fun with friends with Roblox studios, which I got from learning with YouTube tutorials. I don’t know coding barely, and I have trouble with programming but my goal as a Roblox dev is to learn all about programming and be able to do it! I’m so far a game designer, basically I just design games and attempt to make them.
I would like to say since I’m a developer on Roblox, I have got my friends to help me with Project games to make an amazing experience. Thank you!

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sorry for bump ,nice try but I started forum in december 2024 and now found the first topic ever I see

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