Introduction thread for new forum members

Please make one post and @ people you want to reply to, as opposed to making a giant chain of replies. Helps keep the thread clean.

Furthermore, welcome to the new members. Nice to see you on board.

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Hello Roblox DevForum members!
Iā€™m SkilledOn
Iā€™ve been a roblox player for 2 years and roblox developer for 1 year. Iā€™m mainly a Builder but I do simple scripts beside that, I have some experience with UI Designing and iā€™m interested in learning more about it. My goal is to be a great builder on roblox, and learn more about lua programming.

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Hello! Iā€™m new here - I am very glad to be a part of the developer forum community.

I started playing Roblox around 2009 with my friends at school and mainly used the platform for gaming while socialising with my friends. During this time I developed an interest in how the games I was playing were made which led me to Roblox Lua. From then until now I have been learning bits here and there, but didnā€™t start properly learning scripting until around 2015. Since then I have created 3 games on the Roblox platform, 2 of which were mainly for practice, and the third has been quite successful and is still in Alpha Testing. I am always striving to improve my programming and general game development skills, and am very much looking forward to where Roblox leads me to in the future.
My main role is scripting, however I have done a little bit of building, UI design and GFX.
I am very much looking forward to being a part of this forum and its community.

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@TheM0rt0nator @Skilled_On Myself and everyone on the forums welcomes you with open arms!


Welcome to the forums!


Welcome to the forum! Hope to see you around! :smile:


I donā€™t often check this thread and not everyone who joins posts here, but welcome on board to the DevForum, aspiring and seasoned developers. Yeah.

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Welcome to the devforum ya big boy


Your work looks amazing! Welcome to the Developer Forum!


Wow! Outstanding work! Welcome to the forums!


Welcome all new members! :slight_smile:

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I was literally searching for minecraft free alternatives then I saw a red R logo

I started making GFX, and thought it looked cool, then after some time, i got into new areas in developing

Making a enjoyable game that the player learns lessons from it, helping on better school grades

GFX, Programmer, Builder, 3D Modelerā€¦ The list goes on

I make some bad jokes.


Welcome new forum members! Be sure to read the rules thoroughly to have a better experience together! :wink:

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Howdy partners,
I found Roblox in 2012, and ran to CVS in the rain that day to purchase builders club, I began development on personal build servers, with voxel terrain and always have fun playing around with the amazing physics, I would built boat ride games, that followed a track and they were a hit with the PBS community, and a super fun way to pass my time. Eventually, that got old and I went through a slump period where I didnā€™t play anymore, until I decided to remake one of my favorite games and convert it from Voxels, to parts. Iā€™m a builder by trade, but have recently been taking on the gargantuan task of learning to program lua, and itā€™s been going pretty well. I never thought Roblox was going to become a way of income for me, and everyday Iā€™m beyond grateful for all of the work that has went into this platform. Itā€™s been a dream of mine to get into the dev forum, and I canā€™t wait to get to know and meeting all the amazing developers on here.
See ya around! :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forums Logan! Itā€™s great to have you here and I hope to see you around. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the developer forum :smile:


Welcome, I love your artwork! :heart_eyes:


Eyy welcome mah dude! Seen a ton of your amazing stuff on twitter, happy youā€™re finally here!


Welcome, r0cu! Goodluck with your DevEx my fellow builder :sunglasses:


Welcome to the Dev Forum r0cu good luck we all hope you succeed! :smiley: