Introduction to animation

Hello there,
I am Kv0rpse and in this post I will be sharing an document I made a few months ago on introduction to animation where I have dabbled on topics like - Where can you make animations, plugins used frequently for animations and things to do and not to do while making animations.
These all are based of my experience and only dabbles on topics in brief. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment.

Link : Kv0rpse - ANIMATION LESSON - 1 - Google Docs


Where is the tutorial? Charrrrrr

Ooops give me a minute, forgot the link :L

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Updated, you can now see link in this post.

Uh the orthography is a bit low. I recommend revising stuff before publishing them. Also for presentation I recommend using the dev forum than sending a link to a document with the actual tutorial.

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Yea no I just wanted to put this out, I made this like 6 to 8 months ago and back then I didn’t have access to dev-forum and so I swore an oath that once I do get access, I will just put it out there as my first post.

I know its not well made and also excludes a lot of stuff, but did not want to keep this hidden ya know. Currently I am working on an all-round scripting handbook / guide that will be a compilation of all topics in learning to script which will be immensly detailed with steps, explanations all in an organized heirarchial format. And it will all be compiled ffrom several different sources and will hold all the information needed to learn scripting from start to end in an order in just one post and will be very useful for me and others. It will also include all external reference links and help links.

Nice! Hope to see it come soon!

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Thank you. I also hope it comes out great and will also be a great help to me in devforum as well as in my development progress.