Intrusive FreeCamera

The current version has serious issues with state pushing/popping and makes a ton of assumptions about everything from character structure to walkspeed. It wasn’t designed to run on every game–in fact, it was only designed to run on the egg hunt.

The issues ran deep enough to warrant a rewrite, so that’s what happened.
V2 fixes everything in your list as far as I can tell. It didn’t make the code cutoff, so expect it in early January.

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Including staff access to freecam? I doubt the nearly 200 staff in the admin group all need freecam.


FreeCamera is intruding into my PlaySolo testing sessions for a game made with TC.

Not even this code is removing it

	if added.Name == "FreeCamera" then
		delay(.1, function()
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To be honest, I really see no problem with the admins having free cam. They’ve got bosses to keep them in check, and worst case scenario the game breaks locally for them only. Nowhere in the code does the script interact with anything on the server (aside from the fact that walkspeed replecates to server) but aside from this, I see no problems. I do wish there were a way to unbind the SHIFT+P using game settings though. I think it should be an opt-out type of thing - enabled by default (most people most likely will not care, though this is an assumption and I could be wrong). You shouldn’t have to be able to code to prevent something made specifically for the Egg Hunt being injected into your game. It’s your property after all, and if you haven’t agreed to the free cam being inserted, it shouldn’t be inserted and that’s that.