In Roblox Studio, the value of IntValues are correctly stored as 64-bit integers (as mentioned in documentation), however, the input / visual property in the “properties” window of studio acts as though it is a 32-bit value:
How to reproduce:
Try to input a value over 2,147,483,647 (2^31) you cant, it prevents you from putting any number of this value
You can manually set the value via the command bar
Setting the value to anything > 2^31 will make the property window display the value incorrectly, however, the value actually stored is the correct 64-bit integer
Had someone working on in-game values with IntValues and found this out trying to help figure out what their problem was
Thanks for the report! We have identified the offending flag, but due to ongoing platform issues we will be unable to disable it until Monday.
Flipping the flag will fix the immediate issue, but it seems there is a longer-standing bug with Properties that we’ll need to fix separately: Int property UI never supported int64 properties, but by mistake until recently we had always displayed int64 properties as strings in the UI, so even with the flag off they are missing some of the number-y things that the int property UI supports.