Invalid argument #3 (string expected, got Instance)

Hey, I’m trying to make a dialog script but while running it this error shows in the output.



local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local DialogEvent = ReplicatedStorage.Events.GuiEvents:FindFirstChild("DialogEvent")
local Frame = Player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Dialog").Frame

local function AnimateText(Dialog)
	for i = 1, #Dialog, 1 do
		Frame:WaitForChild("Dialog").Text = string.sub(Dialog, 1, i)

DialogEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Image, Name, Dialog)
	Frame.Visible = true
	Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image = Image
	Frame:WaitForChild("Name").Text = Name
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This means that your dialog is not a string. Could you send me your code to call this event?

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Can you also include the part of the code where you have the dialog variable?

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have you try

Frame:WaitForChild("Dialog").Text = string.sub(Dialog.Text, 1, I)
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The capitalized i is invalid in the script.

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are you trying to make a Typewriter Effect if so

this might interest you

and make the i in my responce lowercase maybe

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I can’t see anything obvious so I would suggest print the variables obtained from server and letting us know what is up

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Actually this may be it:

can you verify if the Image parameter on server (FireAllClients) is the Image.Image of the image?

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Could you clarify a bit more on this?

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Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image = Image

this is where its erroring because

DialogEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Image, Name, Dialog)

Image parameter obtained is an actual Image instance, not the Image assetid,

Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image = Image

.Image requires a string value for the image assetid

this is what I’m led to believe

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Okay so that’s the function for the fire all clients so how would I add the string value?

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Can you send me the entire declaration of variable NpcImage and PlayerImage via text

To add, all you would have to do is take the Image’s .Image and set the NpcImage to it

I believe PlayerImage should be fine? I’m not sure until you test it since NpcImage is whats causing the error I think and so idk if its functional or not

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local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local DialogEvent = ReplicatedStorage.Events.GuiEvents:FindFirstChild("DialogEvent")
local ToggleDialogEvent = ReplicatedStorage.Events.ToggleEvents:FindFirstChild("ToggleDialogEvent")

local Npc = game.Workspace.Npcs:FindFirstChild("Crazy")
local NpcImage = "rbxassetid://6306615077"
local NpcName = Npc

local PlayerImage
local PlayerName

local function RandomPlayer()
	local Players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
	local RandomPlayer = math.random(1, #Players)
	local ChosenPlayer = Players[RandomPlayer]
	PlayerImage = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(ChosenPlayer.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)
	PlayerName = ChosenPlayer.Name

local function Part1()
	DialogEvent:FireAllClients(NpcImage, NpcName, "Hi, I'm Crazy, but that's just my name. I'm not actually crazy...")
	RandomPlayer() DialogEvent:FireAllClients(PlayerImage, PlayerName, "What's that cave by the cabin?")
	DialogEvent:FireAllClients(NpcImage, NpcName, "I don't know, but there is a sign that says to not enter.")
	RandomPlayer() DialogEvent:FireAllClients(PlayerImage, PlayerName, "Oh okay, is that the cabin were going to be sleeping in?")

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Ok so it looks like it is infact playerimage messing up, npcimage is an assetid, instead you will need to send the player’s UserId to clients instead:

DialogEvent:FireAllClients(nil, PlayerName, "What's that cave by the cabin?", PlayerId)
--DialogEvent:FireAllClients(NpcImage, NpcName, "Hi, I'm Crazy, but that's just my name. I'm not actually crazy...")

then in client:

DialogEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Image, Name, Dialog, PlayerId)
	Frame.Visible = true
        if Image then
	Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image = Image
        Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image=game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(PlayerId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)
	Frame:WaitForChild("Name").Text = Name

This should solve your issue, if it does please mark it as solution

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Alright so how would I implement it though since the script I just sent is in ServerScriptService while the other script in the topic is in StarterGui as a local script.

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you obtain the player’s UserId and change PlayerImage to PlayerId

and then copy and paste when a player is talking

DialogEvent:FireAllClients(nil, PlayerName, "What's that cave by the cabin?", PlayerId)

and then copy paste this

DialogEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(Image, Name, Dialog, PlayerId)
	Frame.Visible = true
        if Image then
	Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image = Image
        Frame:WaitForChild("Image").Image=game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(PlayerId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)
	Frame:WaitForChild("Name").Text = Name

If still some sort of error, can set nil to false but it should function

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Alright thanks, I have to go right now, but I’ll test this later.