Invalid Limit in Roblox Develop Endpoint Constantly Returns 500 Error

Hello, I’ve found a recent issue with one of the develop api’s. When sending a GET request to the following endpoint below, with a invalid limit (such as 70) it will return 10, 25, 50, 100 (also shown below). Attempting to get 100 saved versions from the endpoint, it simply returns a 500 status code (Internal Server Error) unlike all the other amounts.


Sending the limit as 70 (?limit=70) returns this json {"errors":[{"code":0,"message":"Allowed values: 10, 25, 50, 100","field":"limit"}]}.

The 100 option used to be on the Creator Hub but was randomly removed sometime last year ('23). If the 100 amount is no longer supported, the api should not return that 100 is allowed.

This is the Creator Hub page that used to support it:

Sorry for the late response - getting in touch with the engineers!

Hi, this has been fixed and the limit of 100 should work again. Please let me know if you’re still seeing issues.

It still does not work for me.

Nevermind! Thank you.

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