Inventory bank tool saving system

Hi, I’m trying to make a system where you can save tools, and access them.

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to make a system where you can save tools from your inventory in a bank, and access them via a proximity prompt

  2. What is the issue?
    I’m not sure where to start, as I am fairly new to scripting.

Sorry if I am not using the devforum correctly, this is my first post on here.


Learn about ProximityPrompt and DataStoreService for saving data.


i already know about proximity prompts, but i do not know about datastores yet, thanks for letting me know about this. how else would i get started? are there other things i should learn?


I’d recommend to learn ProfileService, create an array when you’ll store all the items player acquired. Make a connection that listens to proximity prompt and updates async whenever proximity prompt is being triggered. And finally get the array of items when player is want to receive his items.

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Data Storage Tutorial
This is not my video but it’s useful.

Roblox Document For DataStorageService
You can also learn relevant knowledge from official documents.