Inventory Bug

It just does that, and if you open it up, the grid is so small. It’s a really odd glitch.

And how would you replicate this?

This glitch makes me mad.

This glitch has always been there xD it just happend sometimes.

You can’t really replicate it, it just happens at random times which is why I think it’s weird.

They should also make the GUI only show up if there’s tools in the backpack. I hate how it shows up when you have just a LocalScript in your backpack.

Yeah, I know right? It’s really annoying and ugly for in-game purposes, I have to SetCoreGuiEnabled to get rid of it (not bad, but I shouldn’t have to if there are NO tools in the backpack).

I smell race conditions… or really stinky gym socks…

I got the glitch too…

Same. D:

Btw, before I left that server, I used a helicopter. :stuck_out_tongue: Much hard to get, much fun. :smiley:

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