Inventory design

Hey guys, just wanted some feedback on this inventory design I am in the process of making:

Obviously some parts such as the armor section are not finished, but feedback on the layout of it would be nice. It is worth noting that I do not really like where I have had to place the hotbar. It it very cramped and doesn’t look good, so any ideas on where to re-position it to would be nice.


Looks okay, but I recommend adding the name of the item in the backpack. To do this, you might need to make the backpack bigger. From what I see, you have space to make the backpack window larger.

I’m not too sure what I feel about the background and how it covers the whole screen with no transparency. Test a black background with a transparency of 0.5 and see if it suits your needs.


Hey, thanks for the response! The background is already slightly transparent, but I could make it even more so if you think it would look good?

As for the item name in the backpack, when you click an item, it’s name appears in the Item Information panel. I could however make it so that when you hover over the item with your mouse it shows the name?

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I was thinking some small text underneath the item, but the more I think about it the more I feel like it won’t fit the UI theme. You can try it out though.


I’ll give it a try, but I will probably settle for something different