Inventory GUI item slot frames overflowing

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want the boxes to be contained as much as possible, altought the outer frame doesn’t have to be the same aspect ratio.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I searched the whole web.

Show the GUI structure. Those two elements probably have different scale values. If you want them to be the same size then they should be nested or have the same scale values.

I had the same problem as well when making an inventory system. The problem is that your cell size is using offset (pixel measurements) while your UI is using scale (screen size %) measurements. To fix this, either use scale for your cell size (which is unadvisable), use offset for your UI size, or put a UIAspectRatioConstant inside the UI and use scale for your cell sizing.

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It’s a pretty simple issue: Roblox doesn’t make the gui’s size offset to screen when you instance one, you have to do it manually, which is quite simple:

  1. First, install ZacBytes’ “AutoScale Lite” plugin from here
  2. When you have it, select the frames / gui elements, then click on “Add Constraint”
  3. Click on Unit Conversion and click on both position scale and size scale

Hope you have the issue fixed now.

Before doing anything, make sure each Frame or part od the UI has position and size set to scale, not offset. Offset is bad cause different screen sizes will result in a different appearance. Scale on the other hand adjusts it to the screen’s size

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