Inventory gui system

Hello to everyone who visited this message, I would like to ask a question on a complex topic, I think so for me I would like to make the inventory system on the tab button in the game, the gui turns on and there you can move things around the inventory, I also wanted to be able to search the boxes and found put in inventory how can i start doing this or can you send me an example?
My example:


For that you would need to learn scripting and UI design, and not ask others to give you a very complicated system for free.


I know but bad know scripting…

no shot anyones giving u a free inventory system.

It’s project delta’s example not yours :face_with_raised_eyebrow:, very poor choice of words.

I want make parody or simple gui inventory system

There are videos on youtube that can cover the basics of scripting and an inventory system. However your going to need to study scripting if you really want to utilize what you have for it

Lets get straight to the point no one will send you any script but will give you ideas is that what you want?