Inventory Item Detector

I am trying to create a crafting system, but I don’t know how to make a script that searches a player’s inventory for certain items, and if it finds them, removes them and gives the player a new item. How would I do this?

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  1. Did you try searching?
  2. Did you try using any code?

But, to do what you’re looking for, you would firstly get a Player’s object, get the backpack, and look for the item you want, then, if it finds it, remove it, and add in the backpack, the item you want to be added.

I have looked, and I can’t find how to do that thing. I don’t know how to make a script that searches inventories, yet.

do soemthing like this:

if player.Backpack:FindFirstChidl("Tool") then
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Thank you! This really helps!

Do you even know how to get the player?

You seem very new, I’d suggest you to look for basic scripting series. But you might prefer AlvinBlox’s most recent one.

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