Inventory not showing

Im made a script where if you interact with the prompt it clones the item into your inventory. It works but the inventory does not show he’s a picture. Oh and it also shows in the backpack.

local Patty = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("FoodItems"):WaitForChild("Patty")
local Prox = Patty.ProximityPrompt
local PattyRep = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Patty")

	if plr then
		local PattyClone = PattyRep:Clone()
		PattyClone.Parent = plr.Backpack

Only Tools show up in inventory as they are equip-able.

Name the part you want to equip “Handle” (It will be held in your hand).
Put it in the tool. Name the tool as you wish, and clone it.

OMG I FORGOT I haven’t been on roblox studio in a while

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