Inventory Right Clicking Information Feedback

Repost due to the wrong category
Hello, I am back to ask for feedback on this UI Design mainly on the right side, but also feedback on the functionality overall, Upon right-clicking an item in the inventory I was initially thinking about having a drop-down that said “Inspect” and something else to make this UI to pop up, but instead went with right clicking just opens this side panel as a default inspect.

I am not sure if I should have a drop-down list on right-click or just go with the design I already have on the right side. And if I do have a drop-down list, I’m not sure what it’d say other than Inspect.

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Rotate the shape of the humanoid’s torso.

Glock model could be merged within the ViewportFrame and shown as a 3d model rotating around with somewhat a outside effect of it being from like a fallout game.

The Inventory could be improved only through art like a unique fallout inventory, but everything else I see, it’s good enough to have unless there’s some touches missing like shield or something.