Inventory Troubles

Hello Everyone! I am currently working on an inventory system. However, I am struggling to get a working hotbar. I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the write direction. Thanks!

(The hotbad has 10 slots)

What specifics are you having trouble with for your hotbar? By hotbar do you mean the inventory squares for your hotkeys?

I cant get iteme from the inventory to the hotbar. The root of the problem lies in an object value. Essentially when I press the button the selected tool should be sent into an object value. And then if i press a keybind (0-9) it should go to the corresponding slot

Could you describe the full logic in your inventory system? I’m still a bit confused about how your inventory system should process. Is this a custom inventory system?

Esentially when A player gets a tool it goes into their inventory. When the click on the tool an equip button appears that lets them press “equip” to equip the tool. The tool is also sent to the hotbar. However, This system wont detect the tool at all when you click on it. And so the equip button does nothing. I have an object value named “Selected” which is where the currently selected tool. That is always blank

Did you make sure to make do ObjectValue.Value = theItemYouWantToEquip"? I suggest printing theItemYouWantToEquip to make sure that item exists.

I will double check the code. However, I do believe that I did this

Just checked, Yes I do have it added in. I will add a print

So when it is added to the inventory nothing prints. A new button isnt created either

In that case, the problem resides somewhere before the function is called. Make sure to find the place where it is supposed to listen for the item to be added to the inventory and make your changes accordingly. Printing is always useful to see if the thing you’re trying to do is working as intended.

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