Inverse Kinematic Headturning Bugs

I’ve recently started testing my game “CATGAME” with bigger groups of people - and while the majority of headturning issues have been resolved with certain workarounds, headturning remains one of the most problematic functions in my game.

If the player character dies, they need to rejoin the game. If another player joins and doesn’t morph, they need to rejoin the game. If ANYTHING interrupts the headturning at any point, the parties involved need to rejoin the game - but sometimes, rejoining just doesn’t work!

Video example of severe headturning break (we had to rejoin multiple times to fix):

Image example of heads locking onto unmorphed player, or headturning not functioning at all:

image (1) image

Relevant Code:
Note: “Look” (serverside) goes in ServerScriptService, “Look” (local) and “CharacterIKs” go inside the character’s model, though previously lived in StarterPlayerScripts (though required a duplicate of the rig in StarterPlayer that was all around just too inconvenient).

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Please post some of the relevant code so we can at least see what is going on. My question would be if you have the CharacterAdded event linked under the PlayerAdded event. It sounds like that sort of issue.

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