Inverse kinematic script no longer works

  1. **What do you want to achieve?

To fix the script or at least to know the reason why it stopped working.

  1. What is the issue?

Some time ago the code I used to apply inverse kinematics to the player’s right arm stopped working. But I don’t why exactly.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

At first sight, I thought I had accidentally changed something, but after further reviewing, I noticed that it neither does work even on the oldest version of the code. So I guess that the joint behavior in Roblox changed after some update a while ago. But I ain’t totally sure of it, yet.

I’d appreciate any kind of information, thanks. And here’s the code (LocalScript):

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()
local Target = mouse.Hit

local pi				=math.pi
local halfpi			=pi/2
local forwardV3,0,-1) -- Constant

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local ExternalLooks_folder = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('RemoteEvents').ExternalLooks

		OriginCFrame is the CF of the shoulder joint, this can be gotten using some CFrame:
		upperTorso.CFrame * shoulderJoint.C0
		Note that the shoulderJoint.C0 would be the INITIAL shoulderJoint C0, before anything has been done
		targetPos is the target Position you are trying to point to, this will be a Vector3 in the world space
		a is the length of the upper arm, I use 0.515
		b is the length of the lower arm + the hand, I use 1.1031

local function solveArm(originCFrame,targetPosition,a,b)
	-- Localize the targetPosition in regards to originCFrame
	local localized = originCFrame:pointToObjectSpace(targetPosition)
	local localizedUnit = localized.unit

	-- Construct a CFrame pointing from the shoulder position to the target position
	local axis = forwardV3:Cross(localizedUnit)
	local angle = math.acos(-localizedUnit.Z)
	local plane = originCFrame*CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis,angle)

	-- Get the length from the origin to our target position
	local c = localized.Magnitude

	-- If c is between the lengths of a and b then return an offsetted plane so that one of the lengths reaches the goal,
	-- but the other length is folded so it looks natural
	if c < math.max(a,b)-math.min(a,b) then
		return plane *,0,math.max(b,a)-math.min(b-a)-c), -halfpi, pi

		-- If c > a + b then return flat angles and an offsetted plane which reaches its target
	elseif c > a+b then
		return plane *,0,a+b-c), halfpi, 0

		-- Otherwise, use the law of cosines
		local theta1 = -math.acos((-(b * b) + (a * a) + (c * c)) / (2 * a * c)) -- law of cosines, gets the angle opposite b
		local theta2 = math.acos(((b  * b) - (a * a) + (c * c)) / (2 * b * c)) -- law of cosines, gets the angle opposite a
		return plane, theta1 + halfpi, theta2 - theta1

task.wait(5) --When to load 

-- Demonstration for how this can be called:

local character			= player.Character
local upperTorso		=character:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")
local rightUpperArm		=character:WaitForChild("RightUpperArm")
local rightLowerArm		=character:WaitForChild("RightLowerArm")
local rightShoulder		=rightUpperArm:WaitForChild("RightShoulder")
local rightElbow		=rightLowerArm:WaitForChild("RightElbow")

-- Store the initial rotation of the shoulder and elbow joints

local rightShoulderInit	=rightShoulder.C0	-- This can be a preset value, since it will always be the same, it is the offset from the UpperTorso to the RightShoulder joint
local rightElbowInit	=rightElbow.C0		-- This can be a preset value, since it will always be the same, it is the offset from the RightUpperArm to the RightElbow joint

local tp0 *,0,-1)).p)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi/2,0)

-- Make everyone see your arm's position

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

ExternalLooks_folder.LookArm.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(otherPlayer, rightShoulderCFRAME, rightElbowCFRAME, goalRightShoulderC0CFRame)

	local RightShoulder = otherPlayer.Character.RightUpperArm:FindFirstChild("RightShoulder")
	local RightElbow = otherPlayer.Character.RightLowerArm:FindFirstChild("RightElbow")

	if RightShoulder then
		tweenService:Create(RightShoulder,, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, 0, false, 0), {C0 = rightElbowCFRAME}):Play()


-- Once you move your mouse, apply the inverse kinematics to your right arm.

			local posX, posY, posZ = mouse.Hit.X, mouse.Hit.Y, mouse.Hit.Z	

			local targetPos		=, posY, posZ)
			local shoulderCF	=upperTorso.CFrame * rightShoulderInit
			local plane, shoulderAngle, elbowAngle	= solveArm(shoulderCF, targetPos, 0.515, 1.031)

			local goalRightShoulderC0CFrame = upperTorso.CFrame:toObjectSpace(plane) * CFrame.Angles(shoulderAngle, 0, 0)
			rightShoulder.C0 	=goalRightShoulderC0CFrame.Rotation + rightShoulder.C0.Position
			rightElbow.C0		=rightElbowInit * CFrame.Angles(elbowAngle, 0, 0)

			ExternalLooks_folder.LookArm:FireServer(player, rightShoulder.C0, rightElbow.C0, goalRightShoulderC0CFrame) 

try ikcontrol. why are you wasting your time over this? i mean if you want to challenge yourself ig do it but if your actually wanting to make something use that