Inverse Kinematics Control Instance for animation is now in Beta!

Is it normal that there is still IK effect take in place when its weight is set to 0? I’m experiencing this behaviour at the moment :raised_hands:

Im trying to use an IKControl to create a squid, but its over 3 parts in the chain. if i create 3 ikcontrol instances it collapses in on itself

Is there a solution?

Hey there,
I got the same problem as you got:

May can you tell me what you did to fix this?

Is there any update on this… Having the same problem too.
I have an IK set up like this:

Target = lookTargetPart
ChainRoot = Head
EndEffector = Head

Target = LookTargetPart
ChainRoot = RightUpperArm
EndEffector = RightHand

When spawning to a new game Streaming is Enabled on
Sometimes Head and the Arms disappear. Never to come back unless it’s streamed out and streamed in again.

Been struggling so bad wanted to ship this feature right now but I guess I had to sort to the old ways, setting it’s motor 6D manually.

Making the code for the videos featured in the guide free to access would be a big help in getting to grips with all of this.

From memory, several guides already have their code open to all, why not this one.

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What’s the reason for the ‘Pole’ property to not show in the properties tab?

Any updates on this? or even checked?

Pole property can only apply when it has reached the end point if you have the target farther away from where your arm can’t reach, the pole will not go in effect. Try again with the block closer and in reaching distance to see this.

Hi, question: do IKControl’s replicate to other players if applied to a player’s character? I thought they did since most stuff on a player’s char do but I realized the movement created by IKControl isn’t an animation, hence it won’t replicate.
Does anyone have a solution? One that possibly doesn’t involved firing a remote every frame?

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I believe they are not replicated automatically at the moment - so far I’ve tried to implement them to fire & receive remotes from 0.5 / 1 second intervals

Not the best result and the IK effect with remotes is acceptable and reliable :+1:

Okay, thank you! But wouldn’t firing a remote so often be detrimental to performance? :sweat_smile:

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unfortunately they do :raised_hands: however, I believe roblox engine is far capable to withstand 1 seconds interval constant remote events and they wouldn’t affect much performance but at the same time it also depends on the whole game’s structure as well

How to make an R15 character Place feet appropriately on the ground, like the example below?


Still waiting on those demos lol


I’m having problems with getting the elbows to bend correctly. I have an IKControl on the RightHand to RightUpperArm. There are 2 problems I’m running into:

  1. I setup a Pole part to make the elbow bend towards the pole (off to the right side where the red dot it). But this seems to get pretty much ignored as the upperarm doesn’t want to rotate much.

  1. Even with weight of IKControl set to 1; animations are majorly affecting the arms (such as walking causes all kinds of weird stuff to happen)

Hey, im trying to use IKcontrol and the limbs wont even move. what do i do?

Are you ever planning on adding a mode where the controller respects actual physics? AKA being able to give it a maxforce so it’s still affected by gravity and doesn’t try to poke itself through walls and whatnot. I’d love to be able to use it for stuff like simulated tentacles or ropes/vines but currently it doesn’t do the BEST job.


Has the demo place been released yet? I’m also trying to see how foot planting is done with IKControl

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Did you end fixing it? I’m having the same exact problem