I read through your other topic. This is quite possibly a Studio Error on your side as it works fine for me.
Please, before you say anything, just listen, I do not want any trouble. Any complaining and I will just ignore you and leave it to someone else.
Please remember to use the right topic. I noticed you filled out the format correctly. However, you may have select the wrong topic by mistake. The correct topic would be #bug-reports. Here is where you can get more detailed information on what to do as well as possible contact by roblox staff on what to do next.
As stated before, there are steps you must follow in order to attempt a fix with this issue. Yes, I agree it could simply be a plugin issue but the plugin is connected to studio, reinstalling studio will install a fresh version which should clear up your issue.
Firstly, please follow the steps a user posted in your previous post:
Do this:,
If it doesn’t work then try re-installing Roblox studio,
If that doesn’t work then try this:
If that doesn’t work either do this:
- Open the Roblox Studio
- Log into your account if you haven’t already
- Open FILE > Settings…
- Click Reset All Settings
- Close the studio window
If that doesn’t work then:
- Uninstall Roblox from your computer
- Open the Command Prompt. In Windows 10 you can open it by Start > All apps > Windows System > Command Prompt.
- Type in the following commands:
- cd AppData\Local (then press enter)
- rmdir /s Roblox (then press enter)
- Enter “y” when asked to answer (then press enter)
- Restart your computer
- Reinstall Roblox
If THAT doesn’t work then: Please try creating a new Windows account on your computer. Here are some Microsoft help articles on how to create a new user: Create a local user or administrator account in Windows - Microsoft Support
Make sure your connection is stable, your studio is up to date and you haven’t messed with the settings. I’m not saying you have, just make sure everything is normal. (Keep in mind, reinstalling a fresh version of Roblox Studio will adjust everything back to normal.
I understand that this can be annoying. Please keep in mind that the best thing you can do is reinstall and try the steps above. If none of that works, then yes, you will have to go through the process with ROBLOX. As much as this may be annoying, look at the bigger picture, once this is fixed you can go back to doing what you like.
EDIT: Just saw you moved it to bug reports, thanks 
Hope this helps, have a great day!