Inverse Kinetics doesn't want to make feet stand on the ground

First time here. Im gonna using IK to make knee bend (Crouch of course)

but when I testing myself. the foot doesn’t want to stick in the ground

the setting is as pic below

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Probably the package/bundle.

(Epic 30 personaj limit here) (yes did use the romanian word for character.)

According to IKControl’s documentation page:

The EndEffector describes the last part in the chain of your character that you want to affect. For example, it could be the hand when you want to move the whole arm to reach a point.

Which in your case, the EndEffector should be Left/RightLowerLeg and the ChainRoot should be LowerTorso instead of Head, or else it would affect the entire character!

sorry for the lag reply: I do have a try and the result is: IK controller doesn’t work.

don’t know why but that’s true. sadly I can’t having a test because I need to prepare for a big test.