Invisible barriers in - game , but not in Studio Play Test


My friend has been making a map for my game, and realized something while testing the game. In Roblox Studio Play Test, everything is perfectly fine. But in game, there’s random barriers that are invisible that cant be selected. I tried selecting it in studio, nothing happened. Tried to select it with btools, nothing happened. Even deleted things around that area to see if it was just some bush or something, but that didn’t work as well. I tried putting all my unions CollisionFidelity to Precise, but that didn’t work either.

If anyone knows how to fix this, experienced this same issue, or got any ideas, PLEASE let me know.

Thank you.

In Studio - In Studio Streamable Link

In Game - In Game Streamable Link


Are they possibly locked unanchored parts?

In studio, try slowly scrolling through every item in the workspace to see what highlights the invisible object. It could also possibly be an issue with unions, if those are near where the barriers are.

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Odd behavior, I’d recommend taking a look at your collision boxes.


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No, the only locked part is the Baseplate.

I did that, and there’s still an invisible barrier.

This worked, it was some union underground. I appreciate the help!

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