Invisible border caused by the playerlist that I can't seem to overide or fix that cuts off my imagelabel

I wish to be rid myself of this invisible border, so that every player is able to view the icons and for it not to be cut off like it is now. It’s seemingly fine on my end, but when my friend tries it, the icon is cut off like so:

My end as a comparison

I’ve tried messing around with every single option at my disposal, but, I’m still unable to get the icon to fit for everyone… Any help would be appreciated!

Here’s the hierarchy if this may help


I’m still looking for a solution to this!

Here’s a video of resizing the window, if it could help find a solution

I found an awful fix, but it’s a fix…

I pretty much just stretched the playerlist for it to fix the entire screen horizontally

I also made sure that the horizontal alignment is to the right.