Invisible Button changing cursor

Hello, please help me :happy3:

  1. What I want to achieve? I was making my simulator game but I made a button to click and get stats. The button is invisible and gives stats when clicked.

  2. What is the issue? The issue is that the button is changing the cursor to something like this and also we can’t click on any other buttons on the screen because of the invisibe button:


  3. What solutions I tried so far? I looked for anything on the devforum and I tried looking for youtube videos but I didn’t find anything sadly…

Anything can help so please tell me if you have any solutions :slight_smile:

If you are setting the transparency to 1, then the button will still be visible, but you just cannot see it. If you want the button to truly be not visible, then change the visibility of the button. This can replace the transparency, unless you are tweening the button.

button.Visible = false -- Make the button invisible

button.Visible = true -- Make the button visible

Note that if you are tweening the button transparency, just change the button visibility after the tween plays. If you are not tweening, then don’t worry about it.

I hope this helps!

The problem is when the button is invisible, it cannot be clicked. What I want is to be able to click it and invisible…

Are you Talking About A ClickDetector or an GUI Bottom?

They are 2 things different things.

For a ClickDetector for make the button invisible you need to Make Invisible the part

For a GUI Botton You need to make the Button Frame Invisible.

Did you checked the Selectable proprety of a UIButton ?

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Hmm clicking should work even though it’s invisible… Maybe try making the transparency 0 and check that clicking on it works on the first place?

Or, a hacky approach, make the transparency 0.98 or something.

The problem isn’t here. The button is working perfectly. I just want to know if I am able to change the image of the cursor when it clicks the button…

As far as I can find, the Mouse Icon is overridden when hovering over a Button, and there is currently no option to alter this behaviour. It might be worth putting in a feature request for allowing custom mouse icons while hovering over a button, as this would have use cases beyond hiding the existence of a transparent button.

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