Invisible Clothing Bug

Heya, I was doing some layered clothing gloves today and ran into a strange bug after uploading.

Basically my spiked gloves item seems to vanish when trying to equip or view it on the store (the item doesn’t show at all in the item preview, and when equipped on the store the item is invisible still).

While testing the item in studio, it was working fine (and the same gloves without the 3 spikes on the hand work in the store and are visible). Here is an example of the working gloves 🐈 Red Fingerless Gloves 🐈 - Roblox

I’m guessing they will still work in-game, just this is a glitch on the store view (since my testing in the scene showed them working on characters).

BUT, I think I MIGHT know what is causing this. The spikes penetrating the gloves have no caps within the gloves, so if I cap the spikes then it should work ((The thumbnail when trying to upload indicates this does fix the problem))

I just uploaded this new mesh to my scene with caps on the spikes internal of the gloves (which, again, should solve the problem). The FIXED mesh ID is rbxassetid://87321434600318 ((along with uploading the mesh here to this post))

Would it be possible to swap the mesh ID on the broken assets out for this new one? Since it’s a single mesh ID on roblox being shared across all the colors, that might be the easiest way to solve it across all of the gloves with just one mesh ID swap.

The BROKEN mesh ID being used in the broken gloves is rbxassetid://125406140638126

Here are the IDs of the invisible / glitched gloves individual recolors.


But, also, beyond this specific instance, this seems to just be a larger bug / discrepancy between what is working in studio during testing and what is broken on the catalog store. The item functions fine in game, so this seems more of a new catalog store display problem.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and will come back as soon as we have updates!

Thanks for flagging!

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