Invisible glitch problem

Hello Developers,

I am currently having an issue I’ve posted about in the past before where as you join my game many people are invisible. I was wondering if there is any solutions to this as I can’t seem to find anything to fix this problem. The only way I am able to make them visible again is by refreshing them from Adonis admin commands. I’ve checked the whole workspace for any scripts that may potentially be changing there visibility and found nothing.

I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this before however any support or solution would be amazing & a huge help to me.

You can visit the game here if you wish to see:


Put this script in ServerScriptService its load the players character in the start of the game

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

	player.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- wait for their character to be added for the first time
	player:LoadCharacter() -- respawn their character

tell me if its work or put the replay as a solution

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Do you have any teleport scripts that teleport the character? If yes show the line of code that this happens if you don’t mind.

Also, does that happen right when you spawn, or after a teleportation?

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I join his game the character visible and I give him a code that load the character at the start of the game idk why he didn’t put it as a solution and I ask him if its work and he didn’t replay

Nevermind, I just joined and a player was still invisible after shutting down. I am clueless to what the issue is or if this is a bug.

if hit and hit.Parent and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”) then
hit.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position = script.Parent.Parent.Teleport2.Position

hit.Parent.PrimaryPart.CFrame = script.Parent.Parent.Teleport2.CFrame

Try changing it to this. I’ve had a similar problem when I use position to move the PrimaryPart (humanoid root part) and it only move that part. For me, I’d look like I got teleported to that area, but in the server view, I’m still where I was before. Try and check it in studio changing it from Current: Client
to Current: Server.

I hope this helped you, I’ve joined your game and I saw the problem. Try and changing something visually so you can see if it actually got published because sometimes ROBLOX doesn’t show the updates to the servers, it takes some time.


Thank you for the help, I’ll give this a try.


Hello i have same problem and this is my tele script is there something wrong with it ?

local player = hit.Parent
if player then
local torso = player.HumanoidRootPart
if torso then
torso.Position =, 37.213, -10004.538)