Invisible mouse Icon Error

Hey guys! I hope you all do well, so I am writing this code to make a scene where your mouse doesn’t interrupts the feeling of the scene, but when I try to change the mouse for an invisible one it gives me the default mouse, what can I do here? I’ll appreciate a lot if you can give me a hand with this even if It’s a little bit, have a nice day! :wave: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wink:

-I’m in a LocalScript

Here’s the code:

	local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
-- I tried too with only (mouse.Icon = "") because...
-- I changed the mouse on another LocalScript to this one (5216789017)

	if mouse.Icon == "" then
		mouse.Icon = ""
-- This part of the code (down this) doesn't matters
	for i = 1, 100, 1 do
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningWolf.Frame.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency - 0.01
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Title.TextTransparency = script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Title.TextTransparency - 0.01
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Description.TextTransparency = script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Description.TextTransparency - 0.01
	for i = 1, 100, 1 do
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency + 0.01
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Title.TextTransparency = script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Title.TextTransparency + 0.01
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Description.TextTransparency = script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Description.TextTransparency + 0.01
	Frame.Visible = true
	if Frame.Visible == false then
		Frame.Visible = not Frame.Visible
	script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Visible = false
	if script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Visible == true then
		script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Visible = not script.Parent.Parent.TweeningImage.Frame.Visible

-- This part of the code (above) doesn't matters

	mouse.Icon = ""

It gives me this mouse Icon:


It gives me this error:

Image failed to load. Error 403: Asset type does not match requested type

try doing mouse.Icon = “rbxasset://5216789017”

Still doesn’t works but I appreaciate your help :wink:

mouse.Icon = ""

As simple as assigning nothing (not nil but an empty string) to the “Icon” property.

if mouse.Icon == "" then
		mouse.Icon = ""

Just to clarify, would the “hi” print?

if mouse.Icon == "rbxasset://SystemCursors/Arrow" then
	mouse.Icon = ""
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Thank you for helping me everytime I post, but this time I think it’s maybe a roblox feature :wink:

UserInputService.MouseIconEnabled = false

Do you have an image ID and not a decal ID?

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.Icon = ""

Turns the cursor into a dragon. You can upload an image by uploading an asset inside studio.

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You have one of the 2 solutions, I didn’t know that you needed to go into Roblox studio toolbox, I thought Roblox web Decal Images were the same ID as the one on the toolbox, thanks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wink:

Have a nice day!