Invisible "part" blocking hallway

There’s an invisible “part” blocking certain parts of this hallway as shown in the images. I’ve shown it with decomposition geometry and nothing seems to show anything blocking the way and there are no unions in the area that would affect this. Any meshes around have been changed to precise and these invisible walls either disappear or change position every time I play test. Wondering if anyone has seen this before and knows the issue?

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If you are using UnionOperations or MeshParts, make sure the CollisionFidelity is more Precise, and not something like Box, or Hull as they aren’t precise in their calulations, and tend to create barriers.
One thing to note is that you should rarely ever use PreciseConvexDecomposition as that is the most precise collision, thus the laggiest one, only use for when its really needed.

If not, try configuring with collision on objects while play testing to see whats the problem. Or continue to use Decomposition Geometry to see if anything around you could be causing issues.