I was building a game and when I finished I noticed that close to the walls there are some invisible stuff that you can climb in all the map. I searched on internet about the problem but can’t find any solutions, There is no object and it can’t be selected.
Did you happen to be using mesh parts? I think it’s the collision of the mesh part being “incorrect”.
Otherwise, do you have any BasePart
s that are set on transparency 1
It would help if you shared pictures. Sometimes when you make a zigzag like wall roblox thinks it’s a ladder.
Ya I’ve had that issue before, it’s essentially when you accidentally build steps without realizing.
Are you using negate parts? I use them alot and sometimes my stuff goes invisible.
I think the problem are unions, I don’t have any meshes
It’s a straight wall, and the character climbs on something that isn’t “on” the wall, seems like a mini mountain
I’m using it, but don’t know what is the problem or how to fix it,
It is probably the collision
it will be fixed if you separate the union
I separated the wall decorations from the wall and still got the invisible stuff
Is a block, and I inserted another block and negated it to make it look like a box.
you have to create it using 4 parts instead of union if you want the player to walk inside.
union collision is bad.
Oh, thanks, do you know a way to do it faster?
Use duplicate and change rotate/move to the right level
it only takes 30 sec